i suck at these but here we go.
A girl who wakes up in a ratteling box and enters the glade. But she is completely alone, she is the only one in the glade until...
Just when she is a month stuck in the weird square place she heres a loud rin...
I watched Darla walk away past Alby with a fainth blush tinting her cheeks. If I had been sober i would probably tease her about it, but lets be honest if I was sober I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
I pushed my self of the counter stumbling a bit in the process. I made my way to leave as well, but was stopped by Alby.
"Not yet. Look i don't know what kind of klunk you have going on in your head but keep it away from Darla. Figure out what you want before you pull her in. But when you know don't klunk it up. Because if i know anyone who doesn't deserve to get hurt its her. Now go to bed and talk to me when your sober."
He gave me a little push to make me strted walking. If im gonna be honest i have no idea what he was talking about. Now that might have been Gally's concoction messing with my brain but i honestly have no idea.
I stumbled over too the homestead the homestead passing some sleeping boys. I stepped over some boys who were sleeping in the homestead. I walked up the stairs falling a few times but i eventualy made up. I made it to my door to be met by the sound of soft snores.
I took of my shoes to be as quiet as possible. I walked over to my sleeping and took of my shirt and trew it away to somewere in the room not bothering to put it away. I ziped open my sleeping bag and crawled in it not bothering to close it up.
I looked to my left and saw Darla laying on her side with her mouth open a bit.
She drools in her sleep.
I laid on my side facing her until i fell asleep.
~○•°♧°•○~ The next morning woke up with the feeling of someone pounding on my head with a hammer.
Okay maybe it wasn't the best idea to drink and fight.
I thought back to the events of last mind but came back with only a few bits. I rememberd getting absolutly hammerd and then fighting with Gally. But at some point I got shoved down and after that its all one big blur. I felt as if something important had happend durring the blur but i pushed the feeling away giving up at remembering since that never worked here.
I groaned as i sat up from my sleeping bag the pounding in my head only becoming worse.
When i finaly made it out of my sleeping bag i saw that Darla's sleeping bag was already emty.
Huh that's weird normally i am awake before her. Wait how late is it?!
Jumped up from my sleeping bag walking over to the little window that we had. I looked around the Glade and found it already buzzing with productivity. The tables by the kitchen were already emty and it looked like Fry was even already cleaning the tables.
I quickly grabbed my watch from beside my sleeping bag. Some of us had watches for when we went in the maze. It helped us keep track of the time so that we would be back in the glade on time.I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 10.
Holy cow, i am such a slinthead.
I guess that means no maze for me today. We had decided not to go in the maze alone yet. We felt as if we didn't know the maze enough to go in there alone. I mean me know it is dangerous but we feel like we don't know yet how dangerous it realy is.
I don't realy know what im gonna do yet today. I have been going to the maze everyday for weeks now, so i don't realy know what there is to do or what i can do. I mean i know that im shit at building but apart from that u don't realy know.
I chuckled at the memorie of me trying building for the first time. Gally had given me the task of holding a plank up for him but, after some time i got bored and started to do my hair. I had forgotten that i was holding the plank and it resulted in gally getting hit on top of his head and walking around with a big red bump on the top of his head for a week.
Lets just say i wasn't aloud back after that.
I made my way out of the homestead to get some food at the kitchen. My stomach was rubbelimg on my way there.
"Morning, Angel. Would i be lucky enough to get some breakfast from you." She looked up at me with those eyes.
Those damm eyes.
Now i know i didn't make the best first impression when we met. But I just didn't have the best week before her apearance. One of the younger boys had wandered into the maze and didn't Come back in time. His name was Timmy he was like a little brother to me. I liked to watch over him, i only wished i had looked over him better that day.
And after my little rude tour with Angel she seemed to be holding a grudge against me. And i can't blame her. She didn't know what and happend only days before. I honestly shoudn't have let my anger out on her by acting like a dick.
But i promise myself that she will forgive me. And know im not a dick.
I just act like it sometimes.
~○•°☆°•○~ Hiii i know i've been away for a little bit again and im sorry. BUT we've hit 300 readss. So thank you for that everyone. So this was a little gift for yall and i've also made a playlist for this book wich you can find at the end of this chapter. I will be adding more songs but im also curious what songs you think of while reading this fic.
And also what did you think of Minho's pov and are there any tips??
Love you all sooo muchhh<333
Word count: 1033
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