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The next morning i woke up to the bright light from the sun shining trough the window.

It didn't take long before the events of last night came rushing back to me. I sat up trying to remove the memories from my mind.

I focused on my surondings and remembered were i was. I was now sharing a room with Minho. On both sides laid a sleepingbag rolled out. On the foot end stood a chest filled with clothes and personal items.

I slowly got out of the sleeping back and crawled over to the chest. I opened it and chose brown cargo pants with a black belt, light grey tanktop and a light green blouse.

 I opened it and chose brown cargo pants with a black belt, light grey tanktop and a light green blouse

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I put on the black boots that i arrived with and walked to the window and looked out. The glade was already bussy with boys running around building, working in the garden or i don't know what.

I don't wanna face the world yet. I thought. Then my stomach decided to rummble. I decided that food was more important.

I walked out of the door into the glade and made my way over to the kitchen. I could hear people wispering about me and looking at me. I walked straight to the kitchen not looking up.

It felt like an eternity when i finaly reached frypan. "Hey fry do you maby have some food. I overslept." "Jup i saved this sandwich just for you. Hey i just wanted to say im sorry for what happend last night. Oh and i also needed to tell you that today your working with Gally" fry said handing me the sandwich.

"He's the one with the funny eyebrows right?" "I gues you can call me that." A voice said behind me. I turned around hoping it was not who i thought it was. "Heyy your gally?" "Yeah or the one with the funny eyebrows as you called me." Gally said with a smirk.

"You can take your sandwich with you, come on." I turned my head around and waved goodbye to fry before i joged to catched up with Gally.

"We're working on building a place for the med-jacks. They are kind of docters here. You'll be suprised at how clumsy some of the boys here are." He finished with a chuckle as we arrived at the place.

There was already standing some walls. "Alright for today you can make some walls. You make them by placing 5 planks like this and then putting a plank on the top and bottom across. Shouldn't be to hard right?" "I hope not."

Okay so it wasn't hard. I was just clumsy. My fingers were covered in blisters, splinters and little cuts. My hand were red and swollen from the amount of times i had hit my fingers instead of the nails. Save to say it wasn't my thing.

"Im dorry but i don't think this is for you. Don't get me wrong your walls are great but if you hurt yourself this much while doing so its not gonna be smart on the  long term."

"Oh don't worry i wasn't expecting to be great at it. But thanks for letting me try out tho. I think im gonna find someone else i can help." I waved goodbye before walking of.

"Hey you know you killed him right? And you know what? I think it should be you instead of him." A boy said out of nowhere with a fake smile. I vould feel the blood draining from my face and my smile dtopping as soon as the words left his mouth.

"Hey newbie could you help me prepare lunch?" Fry was walking up to us but when i looked were the boy once stood it was now emty. Like he disapeared in thin air. "Hey are you alright you look a bit pale. You did eat the sandwich I gave you this moring right?"

"Yeah im alright just a bit hot that's all. Lets go, were can i help with?" "We don't need to do a lot just cut up sone fruit for me while i make some sandwiches."

Beleave it or not but i finaly found something i didn't fuck up. I honestly expected that i would blow up the kitchen in some weird way.

I was now proudly watching everybody eat the fruit that i had cut up in a fruit salad. I know its not super difficult but it was something. Plus i like doing it wich is also a first. "Hey fry do you think i could maby help tonight too with dinner to see if i could kinda work here." "Yeah it'll be fun to have somebody around in the kitchen."

I have a job. well almost, but still i have a job.

Bit shorter chapter than normaly but i posted a chapter two days in a row! Not super proud of this chapter but its alright.


Anyway have a good night or day depending on where you are<3

~•°Angel°•~ Minho x female OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu