9. that time i thought i joined a sacrifice.

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I was talking to fry about how lunch went and going over the recipe for that evening. "So do you think i could be a good cook?" I said still laughing from our previous joking. "Yeah, i mean it would be fun to have some company in the kitchen. Cooking together is always more fun than cooking alone. But as soon as you manage to blow up my kitchen your out." He pointing at me chuckling.

"I won't promise anything. But lets test my abilities tonight shall we." I said shrugging tilting my head laughing at his terrified expresion.

I walked away trying to find something to do or someone else to bother. I quickly found newt working in the gardens talking to Zart, the keeper of the track-hoes.

"Guess what!" I said skipping over to newt and Zart. "What?" They both awnserd at the same time in a bored tone. "If i was you i would sound a little bit more interested or i might poison your food since im probally becoming cook!" I rushed out jumping up and down. I was smiling from ear to ear not being able to contain my excitement any longer.

"Realy?! Thats great for you! Please don't poison my food tho." Newt said smiling at the girl. He felt proud of her that she finaly had found her place.

She was now eating her dinner sitting on the counter waching the reactions of the boys who were devouring the food like they were starved men. She felt proud seeing content smiles creeping up the faces of the boys.

"If i can take it from their faces you did quite alright." Fry said nudging her shoulder. She looked up to is face to see a proud gleam in his eyes. "Oh i think i did more that alright." I said nodding to one of the yougher boys who was doing some sort of happy dance while eating his food.

"Sooooo does this mean i have a job?" I asked hopefuly looking up at him. "Yes you have the job. But if you blow up my kitchen your still out." I barely let him finish his sentence before I tackeld him in a thight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I swear you won't regret it and i promise i will try to not blow up your kitchen." I murmerd in his chest.

I let go of the hug and ran over to the table of alby and newt. Minho was sitting there to but i decided to ignore him. "Guess what? I officily have a job as cook!" I excitely rushed out before they could awnser. "Well i think that deserves a bonfire." Alby said smiling at the extreamly happy girl. Tho she hadn't been here a long time he had developed some sort of fatherly protectness over the girl.

"A bonfire? I didn't know you guys did those." "We've only had one before but i thought you deserved one to. Now go help fry clean up while we prepair the bonfire." I nodded at Alby before hurying away towards the kitchen feeling excited for the bonfire.

I had sent fry away a while ago to join the other boys. I wanted to be alone to think for while. Tho it did work for a little bit i was soon joined by the most anoying glader in my opinion. I am not sure what is so anoying but there is just something about him that i can't quite place.

"I see you have cursed me with your presence." I said not turning away from the dirty dishes in the sink. "I believe the phrase says blessed angel." I could just hear his smirk while talking "Stop calling me that. And for your information, i,m perfectly aware how it goes. But i changed it to fit you." "Aw you did that just for me." He said leaning against the counter beside me with his back. I scoffed at his remark "Don't flatter yourself sweethart." I said finaly looking up at him only to see that he was already looking at me.

I quickly looked away wanting the silence to disapear out of thin air. "If your not gonna leave at least make yourself usefull." I comanded pushing a dishcloth against his chest. He lifted his hands to take the dishcloth. Before i could pull my hands away or hands shortly touched. My finger began to tingle and soon my whole body was coverd in the feeling. Am i sick? I am gonna die aren't i? I shook the feeling of deciding that it wasn't anything major.

~•°Angel°•~ Minho x female OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu