2. the tree

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I woke up in the middle of the night to a sound of stone grinding on stone.

But there was an other sound that I wasn't even able to describe in words. It made the hairs on my neck stand up straight.

I looked around me trying to figure out were the awfull sound came from. Tho I could not figure out were the sound came from I did notice the exit was closed. Great now I am stuck here until i turn into an old granny.

I runed towards the woods feeling safer behind the trunks and leafs. In the back corner I found a big tree that seemed very old but very stable. It had wide thic branches.

After I looked over all the branches I finaly saw one that seemd comfortable enough to hide for a little while

Another thing I found out today, I am suprisingly good in clibing. After a litle bit of strugeling at the beginning i got up to my branch. I sat with my back against the tree and laid my legs on the branch.

After many thoughts louder than the screaching sound I finaly fell into a deep slumber. But not before my final thought struck me.

My name

My name is Darla

I had been here two weeks.

Two week and I already felt like I was going crazy. I heard scary noises coming from the exit every night.

There were four doors. Each day a different would open. I had not gone to explore, afraid of not returning in time and getting stuck. But mostly I am afraid of the awfull sounds.

Apart from being afraid I feel extremely alone. I needed someone to talk to. I had not heard my own voice in two weeks afraid the world would shatter from the sound alone. The only time I woul speak, well wisper was at night. I talked to the stars.

I have been sleeping during the day mostly not being able to sleep during the night because of the sounds. I luckily had been able to remember my name after the first night wich gave me some sort of comfort.

At the end of the first day I had come out of my tree for the first time. I was to hungry to resist any longer.

It had been a month.

I was now more comfortable walking around the whole space. Tho I had become more comfortable with my suroundings I was not comfortable with all the questions running rent free trough my head.

I had stood infront of the exit many times the past two weeks now. Tho the reason why had changed drasticly.

First I stood infront of the exit wondering if I was just brave enough i could leave. But for some reason I never did because I always felt like something was pulling me to stay here.

Now I stood infront of the exit wondering if I just went in there and got killed by whatever it is thats in there if it would be better that hoping.

Hoping for someone to take me away from here. Hoping to wake up and being comforted by my mom telling me it was just a dream.

That i was okay.

So here was once again staring at what could either be my end or my freedom. I decided for the option my end.

I was done being whatever she was here. Everything was better that being miserable alone.

So i lifted my foot.

On my way to my end wich would also be my freedom.

Until. . . . .


How was this chapter? I tried to make clear she was slowly going kinda crazy.

I know this is even shorter than the last one but da boys are about to arive so this was the perfect moment to stop.

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(Not me sounding like a youtuber😭)

Have a nice day or night<3

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