4.Boy, that sure was weird

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(No cus of topic but boys are fucking weird whats your weirdest thing that a boy did or said. Mine is probally from a boy in my class that jerks off to sleep and was telling people super ptoud and shit. Or then his whole friend group was was looking at sex toys as if it was a little tea party during the middle of the lesson with the theacher standing behind them💀)

I must have fallen asleep somewhere in the night because I woke up the next morning. I have been noticing that I am able to sleep more at night since the boys came here. Why you should not ask because I have no idea.

It was still quite early but I could sense that it was morning even tho I could still see the stars. I have been wanting to climb down and run and just start yapping to them like we have been friend for years.

So insted of dealing with it like a normal person would I have been talking to the stars. The stars were my only friend for now. I know that I will have to come out someday but I don't know how. And if I dont do that fast than the would find me before I would be dead before I can say cheesecrackers.

After a little while of talking nonsense to the stars I decided to quickly get some food from the make shift kitchen. I have been doing it since the arived. I would go in the middle of the night and get small bits of food so they wouldn't notice. And I was proud to say I had become quite a pro in stealing food.

So I silently but hastly ran to the kitchen so that I would be in my tree before anyone would wake up. I saw a piece of bread laying on the table and took it hoping they would think someone cleaned it up.

I was about to drink some water when I suddenly heard someone wistling I dropped my cup of water on the ground and sprinted of my tree praying on the stars that nobody would see me.


After my almost death expirience I had ate my bread hoping it would not be my last. I had sat some more, stared some more and saw the boy run into the maze with a small group of other boys.

Not much later more people started waking up. They ate breakfast at the picknick tables they had made the day before and started building.

I am curious what there gonna build today.

After a little while they had made some walls in the corner across from mine. I think the are making some sort of building I wonder what for.

While the builders (wich is now everyone because there aren't realy jobs yet) were eating lunch I could see the boy with good hair running trough the exit with the rest of the runner group.

The runner group soon joined the builder group and ate lunch with them. Even tho I wasn't sitting close I could just see how happy the runner group was while telling their friends about their adventure. In moments like this I wish I could be there and hear al about there new discoveries

Not much later everyone stood up and gave their plate to a friendly looking guy at the kitchen. Most of the boys went to the corner were their new project was and started hammering or holding pieces of wood. But two boy started walking to the trees. My area my tree.

I followed them untill they disappeard under the trees. I sat as still as I could with wasn't very still seeing I was incredably nervous. I listend closely to every sound until I could hear two people talking. I could also hear that they were coming closer, sadly they weren't close enough to evesdrop on their conversation yet.

I sat very still listening very closely until I could hear there conversation. But their conversation was not about what I would have expected. The boy with good hair and the one from the kitchen were standing right under me and they were arguing about who had the best ass.

My curiosty got to big and I leand forward to first look ad their faces.

Damm the good hair guy has good hair and a good face. Not fair. The other gut had a big smile on his face and looked even friendlier from up close and was laughing at something mr good hair said.

Now that your looking you might as well check who realy has the best ass.

Just as I was about to decided I suddenly tipped over, and fell down.

Soooo next chaper its finaly time for them to meettt.

I dont realy have anything to say here but have a nice day or night<3

~•°Angel°•~ Minho x female OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu