3.teenager boys are scary

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I lifted my foot to take the first step until i suddenly heard a loud ringing sound coming from the wonka lift.

In fear of the sudden sound I started sprinting to my tree. When i reached the highest branch i was complitly out of breath. I turned my body towards the wonka lift so i could safely see what was happening.

The ringing continued for about to minutes longer until it finaly stopped. Two doors opend up and it felt as if the world stopped spinning for a moment. The place suddenly became all to still until suddenly two heads popped up from the lift. One had dark skin and the other had short black hair that even from a distance looked put toghetter.

The two heads looked around a bit probally confused. Suddenly a third head popped up this one had dirty blond hair.

The first two people started climbing out of the lift. After that came the blond one. Untill suddenly a bunch more people started climbing out. When there were about 20 people out of the lift it stopped.And suddenly it hit me.

There are no girls.

Just a bunch of confused boys and a freaked out girl in a square grass field trapped in by four walls. Thats totally normal just your usual suday.

I started climbing down until i suddenly thought about what they might do if they find out im the only girl here. I quickly pulled my feet back up not wanting to find out yet.

I am just gonna stay up in my tree and observe them until i feel safe enough to say hello.

Who am i kidding im never gonna do that.


After a few days they had lost two boys the were the smaller and younger looking ones.

After a week they had set up some hamocks a cooking table and some sort of mini garden.

After a week and a half the had made a animal pin for the few pigs and chickens that walked around. The also made some sort of toilet.

It had been two weeks now and this moring the first three heads had run in the exit. But i knew that they weren't going to kill thrmselfd because everyone bid there goodbye at the exit and they didn't stop them.

I had not dared to move my eyes from the exit all day, afraid of missing the moment of three boys running back.

If they even came back.

After a little while I woke up to loud screaming. But not screams of pain or fear. It sounded happy i looked at the exit and saw the three boys getting huged by the other boys as they cheered for them.

In that moment i wished i would have gone to them the moment they entered the place. But it was now to late. I mean what would i even say!

Hey guys sorry im a bit late to the party i was to busy observing you guys for two weeks like a creep after i was here alone for an intire month. But is now al good because i totally feel safe knowing i am trapped in an giant square with a bunch of hormonal teenage boys.

Yeah no that would be a horiable idea they would probally kill me or even worse.

Later the night i could hear the joyful cheers of the boys they had made a bonfire to celebrate what ever they found. So it must have been good what they found. It gave me something i didn't have in a long time.


Two or three more chapters and they will finaly meettt.

Okay a little thing about my day. I want to my grandpa and he told me he got slaped in the face with a bag of dog shit💀 but he had dementia so we dont realy know anything for sure🤞

Word count: 658

~•°Angel°•~ Minho x female OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu