It's Been a Long Time...

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One hour passed.

Then the second hour.

The end of the third hour was nearing and George was exhausted. He wanted this nightmarish experience to end. He was beginning to think this was all just a big waste of time. George opened his mouth to let John know he was calling it quits when...


* * * *

"Well, George," John said brightly, "I don't know what you did, but you sure did something!"

George was sprawled out on the bed like a starfish, his arms and legs hanging limply over the sides, his head propped up on his pillow. His hair was sticking up in clumps, his face was as pale as paper, and he looked completely exhausted, but he was smiling. He didn't have any breath left to speak. John didn't look much better. He had huge damp patches under his arms, and his face was contorted in what appeared to be shock, confusion, or relief. George couldn't tell which.

"It took a lot of effort and time," John continued, "but it looks like you're a dad now!"

"Thank God for that," George wheezed, finding his voice again. He let his head fall back on the pillow. "That felt horrible, like I was shitting out a bloody great mace... covered in knives."

John giggled nervously, not sure if George was joking or not. There was a short silence then John cleared his throat. George glanced at him. John was holding a small bundle of blankets in his arms. The bundle was twitching slightly and making small snuffling noises, then it let out a mournful wail. George positively glowed when he heard this. It soon dawned on him that he was the first man in the world to successfully give birth to a healthy baby. He couldn't help feeling a little smug.

"What gender is the baby?" George asked, his face flushed with excitement.

"Oh, um..." John stuttered. He suddenly looked a bit embarrassed. "I don't know."

George's face fell. "Oh, God!" he gasped, "I didn't give birth to a monster, did I?"

"No, no, kiddo." John said, "I didn't check which gender the baby is."

"Why not?"

John blushed, "I want you to be the first to see."

George gave him a grateful smile then held his arms out.  John handed the bundle of blankets over, being careful not to shake the baby resting inside. George nodded at him, taking his newborn gingerly in his arms. He peeled back the layers of blankets... He looked... He saw...

He didn't say a single word. His face remained expressionless.

"Well?" John said impatiently.

George looked up at him, his eyes glittering like two stars. A smile stretched all the way across his face. "It's a little girl." George whispered. "My very own baby girl."

"A girl?" John repeated, craning his neck to see for himself. He couldn't resist smiling. "Well, so it is! You've delivered a lovely baby girl! Congratulations, Geo!"

"Thanks, John." George muttered. He was still spellbound by this new daughter. The reality hadn't settled in yet. George wasn't sure whether this was really happening or not. The baby whimpered then began bawling, shocked by the sudden movement and noise. George managed to calm her down by humming softly in her tiny ears. John watched on fondly, trying his hardest not to cry.

For a few minutes no one said a word. No one needed to. George wanted to savor the moment.

But, like someone once said, all things must pass, and this tender moment was no exception.

John and George had bigger things to worry about, and they were about to walk through the door. 

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