We're on our Way Home...

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George and the other Beatles weren't the only ones to have life-changing tragedies and exciting experiences. Serenity had many adventures of her own despite her father being irrationally overprotective of her. One of her very first adventures happened one morning in late 1967.

George agreed to move in with Ringo permanently, or until he felt ready to go out and face the world again. Ringo was more than thrilled - his two favourite people were coming to live with him! The two men were kept busy for most of the weekend shifting furniture, cardboard boxes, and other miscellaneous belongings from one house to the other. With the help of a moving van and a bit of elbow grease all of George's things were scattered around Ringo's front lawn. 

"Right." said Ringo, standing back and taking in the big job that lay in front of him. "We have a lot of work to do, so we better get cracking."

"Why can't John and Paul help us?" George asked.

"I already told you, they're away on holiday in Scotland for a few weeks." Ringo rolled his eyes emphatically. "I bet even if they were here they couldn't be bothered to help."

"Oh dear." George suddenly looked very guilty. 


"I told Serenity that John was going to be here. She's been really excited all morning and shouting "Unca John's coming! Unca John's coming!" over and over. I'm telling you Ringo, my Reeny has taken a real shine to Johnny."

"Maybe it's because he reminds her of Brian." Ringo said absentmindedly. His eyes suddenly widened when he realised what he had just said. He glanced anxiously at George, wondering if he was going to spontaneously blow his top. George didn't say anything, his face carefully expressionless, but his brown eyes had glazed over. A tear ran down his cheek and fell to the ground. 

"I'm sorry, George." Ringo mumbled.

"It's okay." said George, wiping his face. "I'm over it now."

At that precise moment Serenity raced out of the house, shouting meaningless nonsense at the top of her lungs. She was struggling to hold approximately ten Barbie dolls in her little starfish hands, which is a big job if you've got normal sized hands and nearly impossible if you're a toddler. When she reached the front stoop she dumped the dolls at George and Ringo's feet. Serenity looked up at them, her big blue eyes shining mischievously.

"Hi-hi Daddy!" she giggled.

"Hi Reeny." George said, bending down to scoop her up in his arms. "How is my lovely big girl today? What's with all the dollies?"

"Unca John and I are going to play Barbies!" Serenity announced.

"That's lovely, darling, but I'm afraid your game will have to wait until another time. Uncle John is away on holiday and wasn't able to come over."

Serenity's face fell. "But... he promised!"

"I know he did." George said softly, letting her nuzzle into his neck. "He also promised to help us move all of our things into Uncle Ringo's house, but he backed out to go on holiday with Paul."

"Oh." Serenity said flatly. She wriggled, trying to break free from her father's arms. George set her down and watched as she gathered up her Barbies and toddled down the steps to the lawn. There was checked tablecloth spread out on the grass, teacups and saucers set up Three Bears style. It was obvious Serenity had planned a special tea party, but now she couldn't have it. She sat down on the table cloth, staring forlornly at the emptiness of her party.

"Poor girl." George said, sighing heavily. He started to go to her but Ringo put his hand on his friend's shoulder, pulling him back.

"Leave her be for a few minutes." he said. "She'll come around."

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