Leave My Kitten Alone

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Years passed, as years do, and George made good his promise. He and Serenity grew closer than ever before now that he was no longer touring. The memory of The Beatles and the unfortunate event of Brian's death still lingered over George like a cloud, dark and foreboding, but he never let it get to him. He was more intent on spending long overdue time with his daughter than worrying about the past. 

1977 rolled around - a brand new year full of hope and promise. Serenity had entered Year Nine at her new high school and was enjoying herself very much. She did well in every class she took and was friends with lots of other teenagers. She kept Adam closest to her, even closer than his twin sister, Sylvia. Serenity seemed to want to spend more time out with her friends than at home with her family. George began to worry.

"Ringo. I'm worried." he said one evening.

"Now there's a surprise." Ringo replied sarcastically, barely looking up from the book he was reading. "What are you fussing over this time?"

"Serenity and -"

"I thought so." Ringo shot George a meaningful glance, his eyebrows raised. "What's the kid done this time to get you all hot and bothered?"

"She's never home enough. I don't get to see her anymore."

"What rubbish. She's home right now!"

"I know that." George sighed irritably. "She probably doesn't want me around anyway."

"And how do you know that?" Ringo asked.

"She's a teenager! She'll be turning fourteen next weekend. I'm probably not cool enough to hang out with her... Apparently all teenage girls resent their fathers."

Ringo sighed, shaking his head fondly. "George, have you been reading those bogus parenting books again? You know very well that every teenager is different. They don't all follow the same behavioral rules, you know."

"No, I haven't been reading those books!" George said indignantly, making a mental note to get rid of the huge pile of parenting books that was hidden under his bed. "I'm just a bit concerned, that's all. Serenity probably doesn't want me around anymore."

"Why don't you ask her?" Ringo suggested, turning the page of his Stephen King novel. 

"Ask her what?" 

"Ask her if she wants to hang out later on."

George opened his mouth to object, then he suddenly stopped himself. Out of everything Ringo could have suggested this plan didn't seem completely hopeless. George straightened himself and smiled reassuringly at his friend. "Fine. I'll do just that."

"Good lad." said Ringo.

"Where is she?" George asked.

"She's doing homework in the living room. Adam's with her."

"Oh." George's confidence levels took a nosedive. He knew Serenity was very fond of Adam and he didn't want to cause any trouble. After a quick self-debate George took a deep breath and strolled into the living room with his head held high... and his heart in his throat.

He found Serenity exactly where Ringo said she would be. She and Adam were seated beside each other on the beat-up leather sofa, murmuring to each other and occasionally scribbling in their rough books. George smiled, pleased that they were getting on so well. His face fell and turned into a frown when he saw what else they were doing - and it certainly wasn't studying. They had tried to conceal what they were doing by balancing a large textbook between them, but George still saw. 

Serenity and Adam were holding hands.

"What's going on in here?" George asked rather loudly.

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