She's my Little Girl

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John groaned and flopped against the wall. He hid his face in his hands, praying that this was all just a crazy dream that he would soon wake up from. For reasons unbeknownst to him John felt partly responsible for all this. He hadn't been the fella carrying the baby and he certainly wasn't the baby's father, but he had helped deliver the baby. 

"And that," John thought, "puts me in just as sticky a situation as George."

George sat on the edge of the bed, not even bringing himself to look at Paul or Ringo. He sat practically motionless, cradling the baby in his arms. He was trembling and absolutely terrified of what could happen next. The worst possible scenarios flashed vividly through his mind. However, to everyone's surprise, George's especially, Paul calmly sidled up towards the bed and perched on the edge of the mattress. He reached out and gently stroked the baby's face. 

"She's lovely." Paul said quietly, "You're such a lucky guy, George."

John's mouth fell open, "What? What?"

"She's lovely," Paul repeated, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I was scared." George mumbled, "I assumed you guys would panic and think I was crazy."

"You've always been a bit bonkers, Georgie." Ringo said, smiling, "But we're always willing to help you. You're our friend. We care about you."

"You're not freaked out?" George asked, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"A little," Paul admitted, "but you're still our mate."

"That's right!" said John, emerging once again from his corner, "You're our Georgie. Our very own baby brother, and... we love you, Geo. We really do."

"Thanks, lads." George said, his voice a meek little squeak. He was trying desperately hard to hold back the tears, but he couldn't. He began sobbing, unable to believe how kind and understanding his friends were. Paul wrapped an arm around George's shaking shoulders, rocking him back and forth, telling him to calm down. 

"How can I calm down when I have the greatest friends in the world?" George sobbed. "You guys are being too kind to me! I don't deserve this treatment! I lied to you for nine whole months!"

"Of course you deserve it, you daft banana!" John cried, giving George a gentle pat on the back. "Come on, Geo, don't be so hard on yourself. You just had a baby. How many men can do that?"

"Touche." George sniffed. "You guys are the best. I love you."

"We love you, too." said Paul. He took hold of George's hand and squeezed it. "Don't forget it."

"What's the little tyke called?" asked Ringo, gingerly patting the baby's head as if she were a puppy.

"I think... I think I'll call her..." George pondered for a minute. He decided this name needed to be something really special, something that had never been given to a child before. He gazed down into his daughter's peaceful sleeping face, admiring how perfect every detail was, from the delicate curve of her lips to her positively minute eyelashes, elegantly fanned out around her closed eyes. George took hold of one of her little starfish hands. She wrapped her fingers around his thumb, gripping it tight, as if she couldn't bare to let go. 

The baby was still sleeping serenely despite all of the excitement and worry. George smiled. Only one name described his precious baby daughter perfectly. He asked John is he would like the baby's middle name to be used in homage to him. John flushed bright red and said that he would be honored. George clutched his baby close and tenderly kissed her soft pink cheek, then he whispered into her ears.

"Hello, Serenity Winifred Harrison. Welcome to the world." 

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