This is Love

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Half an hour later, the band found themselves surrounded by am ocean of shouts, camera flashes, and commands for them to "smile for the camera". Anyone else in this situation would have ran away in terror and not look back, but not The Beatles. They were used to this sort of treatment. They walked down the red carpet in sequence, like a line of ducklings. John and Paul led the way, smiling charmingly at the cameras. They were walking unusually close to each other, their hands practically brushing together, and they smiled at each other every so often. Brian narrowed his eyes at them but didn't say anything towards it. 

Ringo was trudging along behind John and Paul. His face was as pale as paper and sweat was trickling down his forehead. He was biting his lip anxiously, trembling like a leaf. He kept glancing over his shoulder to look at George. 

George was trailing in the rear, whispering urgently to Brian. There had been a bit of an argument earlier about how they were going to get Serenity into the conference without attracting too much attention. George had suggested that Brian could smuggle her in by concealing her under his big trench coat. Brian had said it was a silly idea and it led to a huge row, but George eventually wore him down. So now Brian was carrying Serenity under his big coat, and he wasn't too pleased about it.

* * * *

The Beatles were soon seated at a table in the middle of the room. George had instructed Brian to keep Serenity hidden out in the hallway until he gave the sign. Brian had grumbled and made a fuss but did as he was told. 

"I'm a manager, not a bloody babysitter." he grumbled.

George scanned the room, taking in how many people his daughter would be exposed to. He nearly burst into tears. George felt someone suddenly grab his hand. He looked down and found Ringo clasping his hand in his own. 

"What are you doing?" George hissed.

""You look like you need some comfort." Ringo replied. 

"Comfort? No, I'm fine."

"Don't give me that rubbish! You look like you're going to cry."

"But I -"

"Look, George, I know this is scary for you, but it's going to be perfectly fine." Ringo gave George's hand a reassuring squeeze. "I promise."

George smiled, wiping his eyes with the back of his free hand. "Thanks, Ringo."

"What are friends for?" Ringo said, grinning. 

George chuckled and squeezed his friend's hand back. The conference was about to start. The reporters began to take their seats, talking their heads off as they organised themselves. George drummed his fingers impatiently on the tabletop, waiting for them to settle down. Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Brian. He was standing in the doorway that connected the conference hall to the corridor, waving his arms. George waved back, thinking Brian was saying hello. He looked closely at Brian's face and saw he looked a bit concerned. Distressed, even.

"What?" George mouthed.

"Serenity!" Brian called, waving his arms like windmills. 

"What about her?"

"Come!" Brian gestured broadly. 

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