Marwa Blues

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John and Paul seemed ready to point fingers. They marched over to George's house the day after Brian's departure, practically breathing fire. They had managed to drag Ringo along too even though he wanted nothing to do with the ensuing argument. When the group arrived at George's house John bashed on the door with his fist. (He was extremely angry and appeared to be taking his anger out on the front door.) No one answered. John rapped on the door again, shouting for George to come out and stop being such a rotten coward.

He still didn't answer.

(George's house was the band's original shared home. They all moved out when their career took off and bought separate places, but George decided to stay put. He loved the house because it was where his daughter had been born and he didn't want to let that memory go so soon.)

John wriggled the door handle and, upon discovering it was unlocked, let himself in, closely pursued by Paul and Ringo. They expected to find George hiding in the living room or eating away his sorrows in the kitchen, but to their utter astonishment the house was empty. From what John could tell there was no one in - George must have done a runner. He said as much to Paul and Ringo.

"Don't be ridiculous." Ringo snapped. "George can't have run away!"

"Why not?" John asked.

"Well..." Ringo hesitated, searching frantically for an answer. His worried face suddenly brightened. "I bet I know what's happened! George hasn't run off!"

John opened his mouth to say something negative, but Paul quickly silenced him by giving him a dig in the ribs. "What are you thinking, Ringo?"

"I bet he's just hiding." Ringo replied, grinning. "Remember when Serenity was born and he didn't want us to find out? He hid her from us and probably would have hid himself too if there'd been time. Geo is probably hiding in his bedroom."

Ringo sped off down the hallway and into George's room. John and Paul trailed along behind him, exchanging worried glances every so often. When they reached the bedroom they found Ringo crouched down in front of the wardrobe. He was talking to someone, but in such a hushed tone they could barely understand what Ringo was saying. John and Paul assumed he'd found George and was attempting to coax him out of hiding. They moved a little closer. Their eyes widened at what they found. 

The bedroom itself looked pretty normal, although the bed was a rumpled mess. It was evident that George had tossed and turned for most of the night and couldn't find the strength to smooth out the sheets. There were messy piles of clothes, blankets, and other clutter strewn around the room, and a fug of old socks lingered in the air. It was a sad sight, but George looked even sadder the way he was slumped in the wardrobe. He was sitting cross-legged, trousers, shirts, and jeans brushing against his head. He had somehow managed to drag Serenity into the wardrobe with him. She looked exhausted and had fallen asleep with an anxious expression on her face. George was holding her tightly on his lap, tears streaming down his face.

"I don't know what to do, Ringo..." he sobbed. "Brian's dead and it's all my fault!"

"Don't say that, Geo! It's not your fault!" Ringo said, seizing his friend's hand and stroking it reassuringly. George barely noticed and kept on crying.

"I wished him dead, Ringo. You know I did."

"People don't die just because you had an argument."

"I know that, but..." George sniffed. "I was so mean to him! I don't know how I can go on knowing that the last thing I did with Brian was fight."

"You will go on, Geo." Ringo said solemnly. He reached out and pulled Serenity free of George's arms. She whimpered fearfully but didn't open her eyes. Ringo held her close, gently rocking her back and forth. "Poor girl. She's completely worn out."

"That's my fault too." George mumbled. "I was in such a terrible state last night that I forgot to give her any tea or put her to bed. I just dragged her into this bloody wardrobe and stayed here all night." He started crying harder. "I'm a terrible parent as well as a terrible friend!"

"No, you're not, George!" said Ringo.

"Really?" John called from the doorway. "He didn't feed his daughter and dragged her into a wardrobe and kept her there for who knows how long! Yeah, great parenting, George!"

"Shut up!" Ringo said fiercely, flashing a deadly stare at him. "You should be ashamed for saying stuff like that! George was upset! Of course he had a funny turn! You and Paul can go and peddle your insults somewhere else!"

"Ooh, temper!" John teased, but he did as he was told and left. Paul scurried along after him, muttering nervously to himself.

"Idiots." Ringo muttered. He turned back to George, hitching Serenity higher up on his lap. "You're not a bad person, George. You're just a bit upset. Anyone else would behave this way if they were in the same situation! Maybe you need a break from your regular life."

"I can't take a break." George sniveled, wiping his nose on the back of his sleeve. "What will I do about Serenity? Looking after a child is a full-time job."

"I could look after her." Ringo offered.

"Don't be silly, Ringo. You have a life too and having a little girl around would be a major distraction."

"Serenity's not that bad. She's lovely." Ringo hugged her tight, fingering her tangled gold curls. "I wouldn't mind having her for a few days while you recover. I've done it before."

"But this is different. Where would she go? Where would I go?"

"That's simple. You can both come and stay at my house."

George's mouth fell open at this unbelievably kind gesture. He was silent for several seconds, struggling to grasp what Ringo had just offered. Eventually he sighed heavily and took Serenity back from Ringo, cradling her in his arms.

"All right, Ringo." George whispered. "We'll stay with you."

"Wonderful!" Ringo cried, clapping his hands excitedly. "Just pack a suitcase for you and Serenity - just a few outfits will be fine. You can stay in my spare bedroom, unless Serenity wants her own room. I've got plenty of places she could sleep! And we could -"

"Slow down, Richie!" George said, laughing for the first time since yesterday. "You've been kind enough not to completely blow your top at me about Brian. You don't need to offer all of this."

"I insist." said Ringo, standing up and yanking George to his own feet. "It could be a lot of fun - you, me, and the baby."

"Reeny not a baby, Unca Ringsy..." Serenity mumbled sleepily, burying her face deeper into George's chest. George smiled fondly and gently rubbed her back. He glanced up at Ringo, his eyes still glazed over with tears - but he was smiling. 

"Let's get organized, then." said George. "We've got lots to do."

"Great." Ringo said, smiling brightly. "Just perfect."

"But it's only for a few days, okay?"

Ringo nodded. "Of course."

* * * *

As time wore on, the originally planned "few days" turned into a few weeks, then the few weeks proceeded into a few months. Ringo didn't mind that George and Serenity were outstaying their welcome, and one evening he made an ever grander gesture. He approached George just after Serenity had been put to bed. He pulled George aside and made his offer in a hushed tone. 

"George? How would you like to move in with me permanently?"

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