She's Leaving Home

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Serenity was speechless. She had only been awake for less than half an hour and everything was already starting to fall apart. She could feel her entire view on life crumbling around her - everything she had known to be true was all a lie. Staring at Ringo's slightly baffled (but mostly anxious) face triggered emotions inside of her that couldn't be explained. Was it anger? Sadness? Confusion? Serenity couldn't be sure, but she knew nothing would ever be the same again.

Ringo opened his mouth to speak again, but his tone was quiet and almost shy. "Serenity," he said softly, "I know this is a big shock to you, but it's only the truth. I am your father."

"How?" Serenity said after a long pause. Big fat tears were still rolling down her cheeks and her heart was racing at a million miles an hour. She was terrified for what was coming next.

"Maybe we should wait for George to get back," Ringo said, nervously rubbing the nape of his neck. "He doesn't exactly know himself."

"After that big announcement, I doubt anything will surprise me," Serenity thought. Marwa the cat had wandered into the room and jumped onto the duvet, making herself a nest in Serenity's lap. Serenity began to absentmindedly stroke the kitten, while the thoughts inside her mind tumbled like a restless wind inside a letterbox. The room was eerily silent.

George bounced into the room, positively fizzing with enthusiasm. He was carrying a tray of parcels, all beautifully wrapped in shiny silver paper and tied with rainbow-coloured ribbon. There was also a large white envelope balanced on top. George's happy expression faded when he saw the somber faces of both Ringo and Serenity. Even Marwa looked stony-faced. The photo album was still lying open on the bed and photos were scattered everywhere. George suddenly realised what had happened.

"Oh God, Ringo!" he cried, dumping his tray on the bed. "You told her?!"

Ringo glanced up at George. He didn't need to answer. The look was enough.

Serenity bit her lip, trying hard to keep her emotions suppressed. The tears still seeped out from the corners of her eyes. She was crying, hugging the rather startled Marwa close to her chest, burying her face into the cat's fluffy white fur. George watched her helplessly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Dad?" Serenity sobbed.

"Oh, sweetie, don't cry," George said, tears forming in his own eyes. "I didn't mean for it to go like this! I was going to tell you nicely by sitting down for a proper discussion! I'm so sorry for not telling you earlier. I didn't think you'd be ready to know until you were older."

"I'm still not ready to know!" Serenity said furiously. "I don't understand why you lied to me about my mother for nearly fourteen whole years!"

"But I was - " George started, but Serenity cut him off again.

"You also forgot to tell me that Uncle Ringo is really my dad," she said solemnly.

"What?!" George cried, his eyes bulging. "He isn't!"

"I am," Ringo said quietly, half hoping that no one would hear him.

"How?!" George asked. He sounded so frantic that Ringo decided to come clean right there and then. He took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Remember when we were touring around our home town, back in 1962? You were still only a silly little kid of nineteen, and I was heading towards my twenty-second birthday."

"I know that," George said impatiently. "Hurry up!"

"Well, all of us, including Brian, John and Paul, went to a party late in the evening - in May, I think it was. We all got very drunk - so drunk that none of us could stand up properly. I noticed you standing in a corner of the room, looking really grouchy. I asked you what was wrong.

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