I'll Cry Instead

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The next evening was rather a lazy one. George had hurt his back the night before when he attempted a dance he called "the five-bar gate jump kick". Needless to say he felt very stiff afterwards. He had spent a lot of Sunday dozing on the living-room couch, his head carefully propped up on a pillow. Serenity and Ringo had kept quiet and crept around the house, careful not to disturb George.

"He gets very vicious when he's tired," Ringo said, shaking his head.

"I know," Serenity replied sadly, "Why did he have to try and do that crazy dance move?"

"Poor Geo's worried that he's not cool enough to be your dad." said Ringo.

Serenity burst out laughing, clutching her sides and doubling over. Ringo chuckled as well. If only George himself knew how ridiculous the situation really was then maybe he'd stop worrying all the time. Ringo watched Serenity as she laughed. Her bright blue eyes were glittering with happiness and her laugh was like a little chiming bell, very warm and sweet. Ringo pulled her close for a cuddle.

"What are you doing?" Serenity asked, confused by the sudden affection.

"You're just a lovely girl, that's all," Ringo said softly. He ran his fingers through her long golden locks. "You're very much like your dad, do you know that?"

"What? I'm a crazy worry-pot?" Serenity scoffed.

"No, you're both very happy souls - always laughing and looking for the positive side of things," Ringo held the young girl close to his chest. "I love you very much, Reeny."

"You're a silly old sausage, Uncle Ringo," Serenity giggled, but she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him back. 

* * * *

Serenity's fourteenth birthday was only a few days away, and George was worried.

"Now, isn't that surprising!" Ringo said sarcastically when George told him. "Although I don't see what you have to worry about, Geo. Serenity's growing up just fine. In fact, I think -"

"I'm going to tell her," George said suddenly.

Ringo cocked his head on one side like a confused puppy. "Tell her?"

"I'm going to tell her two things that might change her life."

Ringo's eyes widened. "You mean...tell her about..." He put his hands to his stomach and patted it pointedly. 

George nodded. "It's going to be hard though, for two reasons."

"Which are?"

"One, she already knows how baby making works normally, so it might freak her out a bit to find out that her father is actually her mother."

"Makes sense."

"And two, I kind of... I kind of didn't tell her the truth about her mother."

Ringo stared at George, a puzzled expression on his face. "What do you mean?"

"Reeny never asked why she doesn't have a mum. I just told her."

Ringo buried his face in his hands. "What did you tell her?" he mumbled.

George took a deep breath and said softly, "I told her that her mother is an angel."

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