Cheer Down

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The day of the big interview rolled around much quicker than George had wanted it to. He had been procrastinating horrendously for a long time. Even though he had agreed to announce Serenity's existence to the public, he was still reluctant. Brian nagged him about being so indecisive. 

"Come on, George. You can't back out now! It's all set up!"

"I know, Eppy." George sighed. "It's just... what if they don't like her?"

"What? Of course they'll like her! She's an absolute angel!"

"No, I mean... what if they ask where she came from? What if they make a big deal about a small girl living with four grown men? The media can create a big stink out of anything!"

"That won't happen." Brian said, but he didn't sound too sure. He sat himself down at the kitchen table, propped his elbows up on the table, and buried his face in his hands. George sat beside him and patted him sympathetically on the back. At that moment Serenity rushed into the room, shouting at the top of her lungs. "Daddy and Reeny are going out! Daddy and Reeny are going out!"

("Reeny" was the nickname Serenity had given herself. She was only three years old so her speech wasn't exactly perfect yet. George didn't mind. He called her "Reeny" quite often.)

"Hi, darling." George said, reaching down and pulling Serenity onto his lap. He took a proper look at her and started brushing her hair with his fingers, saying it was full of tangles. He also fussed about whether Serenity needed to wear a nicer dress or not. Brian cracked up laughing.

"What's so funny?" George asked, barely looking up.

"You're such a mother, George, my lad." Brian chuckled. "Having Serenity around has made you soft."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not soft."

"You're fussing over your daughter's hair and clothing!"

"Nothing wrong with worrying about your daughter looking nice." George noticed at his reflection in the highly polished kettle that was sitting on the table. He sighed heavily and started patting at his own hair, trying to smooth it down. He paused mid-stroke and let his hands fall limply to his sides. 

"Okay, maybe I am a bit of a mother."

"A bit?" Brian exclaimed, "The media will think you're completely feminine if you don't watch out!"

"I wouldn't be one to speak, Brian." George said, looking directly into Brian's eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!" Brian snapped. "I'm not the only queer in this household!"


"Haven't you noticed John and Paul lately? Their behavior towards each other has become a bit different. They're a lot more friendly than usually."

"So?" said George, bouncing Serenity on his knees. "That doesn't mean they're..."

 Brian raised an eyebrow. "Would you believe they were if I told you what happened last night?"

George suddenly froze. "What happened?" 

"Well, I was walking to the bathroom a few nights back and I passed John's bedroom. The door was firmly shut, but that didn't really concern me. Now what was coming from behind the door was interesting." Brian raised an eyebrow suggestively.

"Wait, what?" George paused to evaluate what Brian was getting at. His confused face morphed into one of pure shock. He carefully slid Serenity off of his lap and instructed her to go and ask "Uncle Ringsy" to help get her dressed. Serenity nodded and ran off, singing little nonsense songs as she went. George watched her with amusement then turned back to Brian.

"Are you saying you heard them..."

Brian nodded. "That's what it sounded like."

"Are you sure?"

"Tell me, George. Is it normal to shout things like "Oh Johnny, go in deeper. Do it harder" at eleven o'clock at night?"

George shrugged. "Maybe you were hearing things."

"Well, whatever it was, we need to keep a special eye on those two. Announcing that you have a secret daughter is fine, but I do not want to be the poor fucker who has to tell the world that I manage a band full of queers."

"Don't worry, Brian. I'm pretty sure you don't manage a band of queers." George said, trying hard to restrain his laughs. 

"I'm dead serious, George." said Brian. He narrowed his eyes. "I've been meaning to ask. How did Serenity even come to exist? I mean... if you don't mind my asking... how did..."

George groaned. "Honestly, Brian, I don't know. It just sort of... happened."

"What about the mother? Have you heard from her?"

George shook his head sadly, tears seeping through his eyelashes. "She knew I was going to have her baby. She bloody well knew! And she just dumped me on the spot without having the decency to say goodbye!"

"Don't cry." Brian said, awkwardly patting George's trembling shoulder. "That's all in the past, and it's her loss that she ran off. She doesn't know what she's missing."

"I loved her, Brian!" George wept. "She meant everything to me! I'm the mother of her child!"

"I know..." Brian sighed heavily. "Nothing we can do, George. She could be living in Scotland for all we know... Or Timbuktu... Or Mars."

George was still sobbing but he managed to crack a small smile. He wiped his eyes quickly with a handkerchief and balled it up in his hand, his teeth gritted. He muttered something about his former girlfriend and that everything was a con. George also mentioned words like slut and whore but Brian pretended he hadn't heard anything.

"All right, Eppy." George sniffed. "Let's get ready for this poxy interview."

"That's the ticket!" said Brian, trying not to sound too relieved. "You go and get that daughter of yours all glammed up for the media. We'll be leaving in twenty minutes."

"All right..." George grunted and got to his feet. Brian suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Remember what I said about that Lennon boy having a thing with Paul." Brian said sharply. "Keep an eye on them and if you notice them getting too fresh, then tell me. I'll sort them out."

"Sure." George shrugged.

"I'm serious, Geo. If anyone finds out that we might have a queer couple in this band then the press will crucify me. It's not exactly legal, you know."

"That didn't stop you."

"Yeah, well I'm very subtle about it. I very much doubt that John is capable of hiding his emotions. Just keep an eye on him. I can't have anymore nasty surprises. If anyone in this band is a bloody queer then they can keep it to themselves."

Ringo was lurking in the kitchen doorway. He had been coming to ask George which dress he wanted Serenity to wear, but he'd stayed hidden when he heard George and Brian talking about Serenity's mother. He'd heard ever word of their conversation. Ringo bit his lip anxiously when Brian had said he didn't want any queers in his band. Ringo had planned on telling everyone his deepest, darkest secret that afternoon but now his plan was ruined. He decided it wasn't the right time, not just yet. 

George suddenly spotted Ringo. "Hey Rings!" he called. 

Ringo didn't move. He didn't even respond. He stayed holed up in the doorway, nibbling his lip. He knew he'd have to say something eventually, but when that time would be was still to be determined. Right now he had a press conference to attend and he certainly wasn't going to announce any secrets there. 

He would just have to bide his time and wait.

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