What is My Life...

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Serenity was woken early on Saturday morning to the sound of music. She was snuggled up underneath her flowery duvet cover, her head buried deep in the pillow, breathing steadily while she dreamed. George was silently watching her from the doorway and thinking how sweet she looked. It almost seemed a pity to wake her. George had his guitar slung over one shoulder and a pick in one hand. He got the guitar into position in front of his chest, took a deep breath and entered the room. 

"You say it's your birthday? It's my birthday too, yeah!"

Serenity slowly lifted her head, startled by the sudden noise. She brushed her tangled blonde hair from her eyes and sat up properly. She found her father perched on the end of her bed, guitar on his knee, strumming  a special birthday song just for her. Serenity couldn't help smiling. 

"I'm glad it's your birthday! Happy birthday to you!"

George ended his performance with a flamboyant strum and bowed his head, his long curly hair falling in his face. His right hand shot up in the air and made the 'let's rock' sign. Serenity burst out laughing and applauded loudly. George grinned then leaned over to kiss her.

"Happy birthday, darling," he said softly, showering her with hugs and kisses.

"Thank you, Daddy," Serenity giggled, kissing him back. "I loved it."

"You're very welcome, Reeny. We've got a lot to get through today!"

"We do?"

"Of course we do, silly billy! It's my best girl's birthday and we have a lot to do. I've even" - George leaned in close - "got a super special secret to tell you."

Serenity rolled her eyes. "It's not about the stupid move to America, is it?"

"Nope, not this time," George said, smiling. "Don't worry, sweetheart. This is your day so we won't mention anything sad or distressing, okay?"

"Okay," said Serenity.

George was trying hard not to feel guilty. Today was the day he was to tell his precious daughter about where she came from and how he hadn't been entirely truthful to her. He'd pictured the scenario many times before and tried to figure out what would be the best way to explain, but they all ended the same way - Serenity bursting into tears and having her entire life turned upside down. It pained George to think that his worst nightmares were more than likely to become a reality. He shuddered thinking about it.

"Are you okay, Dad?" Serenity asked. "You seem kind of... tense."

"I'm not tense," George said, trying hard to sound cheerful despite his anxiety. "Now, you sit tight, Birthday Girl, and I'll go and fetch a few things."

"Presents?" Serenity asked hopefully.

"Maybe," said George, grinning. He jumped off of the bed and charged out of the bedroom. Serenity watched him go. She realised for the millionth time just how lucky she was to have such a wonderfully dorky dad. 

She chuckled then began tracing the pink and green flowers on the duvet with her finger. Serenity began to wonder what George was going to give her this year. Sometimes her presents were funny, like a little door hanger that said "Quiet! Daddy's Princess is sleeping" or an Alice in Wonderland candle that smelled like vanilla when it was lit - silly things like that.

Other times George's presents were very beautiful and heartfelt. Serenity glanced around the room at all of the lovely treasures she had collected from previous birthdays - the beautiful blue jewelry box with a little ballerina hidden inside that would twirl when the lid was opened; the fluffy, pink heart-shaped pillow; the pink and gold plaque on the wall with a poem about fathers and daughters engraved on it in fancy lettering; the golden locket that was dangling from her neck. Serenity cupped it in her hands, admiring its beautiful gold sheen.

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