We Can Work It Out

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"First condition," Brian announced, holding up his index finger, "And this is the most important one, so listen very carefully. John?"

John's head jerked. He had been daydreaming about possible explanations for Ringo's odd behavior. None of his ideas quite stacked up, but  John was determined on discovering the truth. He glanced at Brian, who was glaring severely back at him. "What?" John said, blinking stupidly.

"Brian was about to tell us about his conditions, Johnny." Paul answered. His voice became very husky and provocative as he said John's name, but John himself didn't take too much notice. He had other things on his mind. 

"Anyway," Brian said, clearing his throat, "Condition one: the baby -"

"Serenity." Ringo interrupted, "Her name is Serenity."

"Fine, Mr Picky," Brian growled, "Serenity must stay out of the public eye for a while. Just until George, um... makes a full recovery. People would get suspicious if they caught us lumbering a baby around. It's only sensible."

"That's fair." Paul remarked. He was glancing at John every so often, seemingly trying to catch his friend's eye. John didn't take a blind bit of notice. Paul's face fell, his lip stuck out in a sour pout.

"Anything else?" Ringo asked. 

"Second condition, you mustn't, under any circumstances, breathe a word of this to anyone." Brian glanced briefly at each of the lads, his expression solemn. "This is to remain a secret."

"What about when people ask who the kid is?" John inquired.

"Weren't you listening at all?" Brian snapped, "I said the first condition was to keep that damned baby out of the public eye!"

"Serenity is not a damned baby!" Ringo shouted, absolutely enraged. "She's very special to George and I don't think he'd appreciate you talking about his daughter like that! Serenity is a human being too, so stop talking about her as if she's a wart you can't wait to get rid of!"

Ringo took a deep breath, then his furious expression faded away. He sloped off into a corner and stood with his hands in his coat pockets. His face still looked angry but in a more sulky way. John, Paul, and Brian stared at Ringo in disbelief, wondering why he had lost his temper like that. The moment only lasted a few shocked seconds and was concluded by Brian clearing his throat and proceeding with his conditions.

"Um... John, people won't ask about Serenity because they don't know about her."

"Well, we can't keep her locked up here forever, can we?" John replied bitterly. He pushed his Buddy Holly glasses further up his nose, glaring at Brian as he did so. 

Brian didn't respond. Paul rolled his eyes and muttered something about John always spoiling things. No one spoke for a long time. The silence grew exceedingly awkward.

"Here's an idea." Ringo piped up, coming out of his corner, "Why not keep Serenity a secret until she's, say, two. Then we'll announce her existence at a press conference."

"The press will want to know how she exists." Paul reminded him. 

"I'm getting to that." said Ringo, "We'' say that George's last girlfriend had the baby, but was afraid of commitment and did a runner. She left the baby behind and George was forced to look after her. Logical explanation and George gets to keep his baby. Problem solved."

Ringo let out another long breath, then pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He smiled encouragingly at his friends as he inhaled the smoke. It was a rare occasion when Ringo shocked people and, having completely exploded at Brian and coming up with a brilliant (and potentially lifesaving) idea, John, Paul, and Brian were well and truly shocked. 

Paul laid a hand on Ringo's shoulder and shook it gratefully, grinning hugely. "Ringo, my lad," he said happily, "I think you just saved us!"

"And George, too." John said, nodding in the direction of George's bedroom door, which remained firmly closed. The lads could hear him snoring quite clearly out in the hallway. Paul sniggered, but stopped when John stomped on his foot. 

"Poor lad," John said, sighing sympathetically, "He's only twenty years old and is already lumbered with a baby. He hasn't complained once! I'm proud of him."

"Me too." Ringo agreed, "Anyway, you like my plan?"

"I like it." John said.

"I second it." Paul said, grinning slightly. 

They all turned to Brian, who still seemed a little reluctant. Brian nibbled his lip. He soon let out a heavy sigh and gave in, saying Serenity could stay as long as they stuck to the rules. He also warned them that there would be severe consequences if they did otherwise. John, Paul, and Ringo thanked Brain and attacked him with grateful hugs and handshakes. 

"All right, lads, all right!" Brian cried, quickly pulling away. He brushed himself off and straightened his tie, sniffing primly. "No more nasty surprises. We've had enough worry and bother to last us a couple of lifetimes. If you have anything else to confess then please wait a few days before telling me. I need an aspirin..." Brian nodded at the lads then sloped of into the kitchen, clutching his forehead.

"No more nasty surprises?" John repeated. He glanced at Paul. "Brian's had enough madness for one day. Let's just not tell him that I... y'know, kissed you. Okay?"

Paul didn't respond immediately. He just blinked at John, then his face went bright red. "Uh... sure, John. I won't tell him."

"Good." said John. He slapped Paul gently on the back. "You're a good kid, McCartney."

"Thanks." Paul muttered, still beetroot red. John patted him on the back again then followed Ringo into the bedroom, all set to tell George the good news. Paul stayed in the hallway, clasping his hands together. He felt so strange, as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over him. He had no idea what it was but John seemed like more than a friend to him...

"I must be mad." Paul thought, then hurried into the bedroom.

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