No Longer Needs You...

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Over the remainder of 1966 and the beginning of 1967, Serenity grew up in the presence of four men and their manager. That might sound odd to some of us, but Serenity didn't question it. She was still too young to realize she was short of a mother and a proper family. George was all she had in the way of blood relations, and she was never short of uncles. Serenity's life might have been a bit different compared to other children's, but she was happy - and, according to George, her happiness was all that mattered. 

Serenity was used to a life on the road, and The Beatles were still moving around even though they were no longer touring. She accompanied the group on a trip up to Wales to meet with an Indian man called the Maharishi. During the meeting Serenity stayed lurking in the doorway with Brian. George had issued strict orders beforehand that she stay out of sight. 

"Why?" Brian asked.

"I don't know." George said, his face reddening. "Look, she's my little girl! I can do what I like with her!"

"You're crazy, George."

"I am not crazy, Eppy! I just care about my daughter!"

"Yes, but you've been really protective of her lately." Brian peered closely at George's newly-bearded face. "Your eyes have big black rings around them. Haven't you been sleeping well?"

"Would you sleep properly if you had to get up to a little girl every night?" George snapped.

"The girl's four years old, George. I'm sure she's past the 'waking up at midnight' stage."

"Maybe she is. But still, don't tell me what to do or how to raise my child."

"I don't tell you how to raise her! And I'm your manager. It's my job to boss you around!"

George's eyes narrowed until they were glittering brown slits. He balled his hands into fists and clenched them tightly. He took a deep breath as if he was about to blow out birthday candles all by himself for the first time.

"SHUT UP, BRIAN!" George shouted angrily. His entire face was horribly contorted and little flecks of spit flew from his mouth like little frothy bullets. Brian's concerned expression morphed into pure shock. His mouth hung open and the colour drained from his cheeks. 

"George... what..." Brian stuttered.

"I SAID, SHUT UP!" George screamed, pointing an accusing finger at him.

Serenity's bottom lip trembled as she tried to prevent herself from crying. She felt a tear trickle down her cheek. It was swiftly followed by another, and then another. Within five seconds Serenity was sobbing, tears streaming down her face in waterfalls. She buried her face in her hands with the shame of it all. George stared down at her, his eyes still flashing with anger and pain. He scooped her up in his arms and tried to calm her down. He glared at Brian as if it was all his fault.

"Now look what you've done!" said George, gently stroking Serenity's golden curls.

"Me?" Brian cried. "What have I done?"

"You called me crazy and made me angry! Now my baby's crying!"

Brian shook his head sadly, almost pityingly. "George, you're just -"

"Don't try and dictate to me, you bloody queer!" George screamed. "You're always trying to boss me around and I'm sick sick sick of it! Out of all the guys you pick on me the most! I liked the old days when John was your main target, but now I seem to be the poor fucker who gets told off all the time!"

"Now, George, you know that's not true -" Brian began, but George cut him off again.

"It is true! Everyone knows it is! You hate me!" George was beginning to sob now too.

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