As I Write this Letter...

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Serenity herself wasn't too upset by this big tour and potential move to America. She was more concerned about the effect it would have on other people - namely Adam. How was he going to react when Serenity told him she would be moving hundreds of miles away? Both of them were so used to being together that even a brief separation was torture, and Serenity had no idea what a long term one was going to do. Once again she found herself torn in two.

The day after George announced their future plans Serenity strolled across the street to Adam and Sylvia's house. She rapped smartly on the front door and waited patiently for Adam to answer. He came to the door and could tell almost immediately that Serenity hadn't come over just for a visit. She looked sad, her eyes very wet and glazed over. 

"Hi, Serenity," said Adam. "What's up?"

"I've got bad news," Serenity replied dolefully. She opened her mouth to explain further but she couldn't stop her tears from spilling. She buried her face in her hands from the shame, sobbing violently. Adam stood awkwardly in the doorway, wondering if he should reach out and comfort her or not. It was a very stressful position for a teenage boy to be in. Serenity took a deep breath, desperately trying to cease her crying, and proceeded to explain what was going on.

Adam took the news rather well, although the happy expression faded from his eyes and his mouth shrank into a tight slit. He didn't say a word as Serenity told her tale, only nodding occasionally. When she had finished ranting Adam quickly said goodbye and shut the door. Serenity was left standing alone on the doorstep, her eyes red and swollen from her crying fit.

"Bye, Adam," she whispered to the closed door. "I'll miss you."

* * * *

"What have you done this time, George?" Ringo asked from his place on the couch.

George glanced at him sideways. "What makes you think I've done anything?"

"Listen," Ringo said, gesturing to the ceiling above them. George craned his neck and listened. He could clearly hear music coming from the room upstairs. The living room ceiling was practically vibrating with the beat. George didn't understand what Ringo was getting at, but then he heard which song was playing.

Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen...

"Oh no," George groaned. "Reeny's upset again."

"Exactly," said Ringo, nodding triumphantly. "So, what did you do?"

"I don't know! Why do you think it was me who made her upset?"

"It usually is."

George pulled a face at Ringo and got to his feet. Ringo watched him leave the room and stomp up the stairs. He shook his head fondly at George's uncertainty and went back to his book, but he kept an ear out. If an argument between George and Serenity was about to break out then he wanted to hear it.

George peered around Serenity's bedroom door. He found his daughter sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by her entire tape collection while ABBA crooned in the background. Serenity was staring up at the posters on the wall in front of her - ABBA posters, no less. She was mouthing the words to Knowing Me, Knowing You and absentmindedly stroking Marwa, the fluffy white kitten she had been given for Christmas.

In short, she looked upset.

George crept into the bedroom and shut the door behind him. He sat himself down on the carpet beside Serenity, wondering how he could possibly cheer her up this time. He never counted on how tough and exhausting having a teenage daughter could be. Looking at her now was painful - her eyes were shiny with tears and her lip was trembling, as if she was trying to restrain herself from bursting into tears altogether. George reached out and pulled her close. Serenity didn't try to wriggle away. She buried her face into his shoulder, Marwa resting in the crook of her arm.

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