Chapter 5: Down The Rabbit Hole

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The rows of gravestones appeared endless, reminding Jordan how fleeting one's time among the living was. Some stones were well cared for, the lettering easy to read and the surface free, while others were tilted, moss-covered, and forgotten. He supposed the condition didn't matter to the resting though.

With a defeated sigh, Jordan sat down on a bench to rest and come up with a plan. He'd been searching for that elusive pathway from the cemetery toward the woods for what felt like hours already. Although looking at his clock, it had only been about twenty minutes. Perhaps patience wasn't his strong suit.

Sweat drops trickled down his forehead from the prolonged exposure to the elements. The sun hung high in the sky, making it one of those spring days where you suddenly wondered why you're wearing polar equipment in the tropical heat. Jordan pulled off his knitted hat—crafted by his little sister's surprisingly skilled hands—by grabbing the big pom-pom on top and then peeling off his puffy vest as well. He would have to carry the items underneath his arm but at least that was better than fainting from heat stroke.

Pulling a hand through his damp hair, Jordan surveyed his surroundings. He hadn't planned for the cemetery to be such a maze of paths, hedges, and flower beds. While he could hint at the treetops of the woods outside the cemetery, he had yet to find any exits toward it. Around every corner he turned, another row of moss-covered gravestones lurked. At this point, Jordan felt like he'd scoured every nook and cranny. Perhaps he should have brought his mom since she was known for always finding lost items, such as keys, school books, and glasses, that her hapless family members had declared gone forever. Although Jordan worried that recording with his mom wouldn't give off a very professional aura, as she may call him sweetie or honey without a second thought.

If Rhonda had been around, Jordan would have consulted her but unfortunately, he must have chosen to visit the cemetery on one of her rare days off. Perhaps there was a handy map of the area by the main entrance though? Deciding that walking the mile or so there was a preferable option to roaming the grounds forever like a confused ghost, Jordan rose. But if he found no map, he wasn't sure what to do next, other than give up for the day. Perhaps he should chase down another lead first, to not lose precious time.

Jordan didn't make it far though, because before he'd even taken one step toward his target, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He always kept it on mute since loud sudden signals unnerved him. The message appearing on the screen wasn't unnerving at all though. Instead, it was rather delightful, making soft fuzziness spread in Jordan's chest.

Derek Chao had once again commented on Jordan's recent podcast episode. He wrote: "Good job, Jordan! I love how you take your time to detail every step of what happened those first few days, leaving no stone unturned. I wish I had a Kiki with me when working on my project as well. I only have my brother's hamster Dollop nearby and he's not very useful when it comes to sound effects, although he is great at eating lettuce (we once timed him ingesting a leaf in less than two seconds). I can't wait for the next episode and to finally find out where that mysterious path leads! Those woods sound creepy though so be safe."

This message was more personal than the previous one, going beyond schoolwork to home life. Almost as if Derek wanted to connect with Jordan by sharing something about his pet. Or he was just being polite? The doubt seeped in the very moment Jordan even considered that someone actually wanted to be his friend. The thought just seemed so ridiculous. But still, he couldn't quite let go of it either. Once he got home, he would try to find the right words to send Derek a reply. Perhaps he would even share an anecdote about Kiki, who had managed to get herself locked in the pantry that morning in her quest for snacks. Luckily, Jordan had soon heard the cat's wails and freed her from her well-stocked prison.

After reading the words from Derek again, taking in every single one in reverence, Jordan turned away from the path toward the main entrance. Since Derek seemed keen on hearing about that mysterious path next, he needed to find it. Giving up wasn't an option anymore. Jordan would find the path, even if that quest entailed setting up camp at the cemetery for days. Or calling in his mom. No option was out of the question, no matter how embarrassing.

Walking back toward where he came from, Jordan investigated every nook in his search for the path, even though he was sure he had already looked everywhere. There had to be something he had missed. Some kind of marker that was invisible to his impatient young eyes.

Caw! Caw!

A crow flying above drew Jordan's gaze toward the top of the hedges, making him notice an unevenness in the neatly trimmed edge. Was that an indication of a previously unseen opening? With newfound hope and a pep in his step, Jordan turned a corner to find a narrow gap between branches, leading him toward another hedge row behind it. By scanning the top of the greenery, he was able to find opening after opening, leading him in a zig-zag pattern away from the graves and toward the woods. With the thick green walls blocking out the outside world, Jordan felt like he starred in Alice in Wonderland, tumbling down a rabbit hole of mystery. The air smelled sweet of juniper and tangy from freshly cut grass.

Turning the last corner, Jordan suddenly found himself standing on a bed of soft moss, while birch and pine billowed around him. He'd found the woods or perhaps the woods had found him. A thin path showed him where to tread, walking where few people had ventured. The town was so close but the forest appeared like a whole other world. Birds chirped and leaves rustled as Jordan disappeared into the enchanted abyss.


A familiar sound coming from underneath a tree made Jordan stop in his tracks. "Kiki?" he asked, confused about how the cat could be here. She had been curled up on the sofa, tired after the adventure in the pantry, when he left.

The black cat came trotting across the soft moss, letting out an excited "Mrrppphh" when she saw Jordan. Slick fur soon stroked against his leg. This was definitely Kiki, out for a leisurely stroll. Perhaps Darcy had arrived home and accidentally let the cat out? Jordan's sister was a bit absent-minded at times and she was the main suspect for closing the pantry door behind the cat that morning. Darcy may simply have been too wrapped up in the K-pop rhythms in her earphones to notice a feline break-out attempt.

Kiki moved across branches and stones with agility, like a small panther perfectly adapted to her element. Jordan could tell that these were familiar grounds to her. After all, Kiki had always come running from the woods when Araminta called for her at night. This was her home turf.

Sensing that Kiki knew where she was going, Jordan followed, because what else was he to do? He certainly was no master navigator of the woodlands. Ducking under branches and climbing across fallen trees, he struggled to keep up. Such obstacles were nothing to a cat but to him, the forest became a demanding obstacle course. Perhaps he would have been better equipped for it if he'd taken advantage of the free gym access at college but the thought of being perceived in such an environment caused the usual anxious queries to pop into his mind. What if he used the equipment wrong? What if someone laughed at him for not lifting enough? What if someone addressed him and he didn't know what to say? Perhaps regular runs in the woods would be a better idea; to just turn on a podcast and let tension and sweat escape his body did sound kind of appealing.

Dodging another branch, Jordan stepped into a clearing. Sunlight peered in from above, turning the natural alcove golden. Kiki sat in the middle, looking at him with an expression that almost seemed proud. Around her were clusters of delicate white flowers, bell-shaped and bending at the top.

Lilies of the valley. This must be where Araminta had picked the flowers chosen to decorate an unknown grave.

 This must be where Araminta had picked the flowers chosen to decorate an unknown grave

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