Episode 6

56 16 96

[Eerie music]

Jordan (narrating): Welcome to "Where is Araminta Green?" where I, Jordan Thompson, investigate the disappearance of my classmate and neighbor. Two years ago, I was the last person to see Araminta, and the mystery of her whereabouts just won't leave my mind. This episode, the sixth installment of the series, will give you testimony from the only person in the world who may know how to find her: Jane Underwood. Because Jane did exactly what I'm trying to do—find some who seemingly vanished into thin air—about eighty years ago when she found the missing sisters Araminta and Esmeralda Lee.

[Engine rumbling]

Jordan: Me and Derek are on the road toward Jane's house, to meet her and her daughter. Derek was the one who found Jane, after trawling the archives for clues.

Derek (mumbles): It really wasn't that difficult...

Jordan: He's being modest. I wouldn't have found her if it wasn't for him. I don't have his skills in searching archives.

Derek: I guess I've found my superpower! Archive Man to the rescue!

[Cartoon whoosh sound]

Jordan (narrating): After driving on winding roads, surrounded by misty forests and shimmering lakes, we find ourselves in front of an old ornate gate. We're not far from my hometown but I've never been to this neck of the woods before. I had no idea there was a house out here.

Jordan: Are you sure this is the right place? The gate looks locked so I'm not sure we can go further.

Derek: According to the directions I received from Jane's daughter, this is it. Let me see if she sent any information about the gate.

[Gate creeks]

Jordan (narrating): The gate suddenly slides open. I survey the high brick walls beside it, looking for a camera that may have alerted someone of our arrival but none can be found. Although it may be lurking beneath the vines of ivy climbing the crumbling bricks.

Derek: Looks like that problem solved itself!

[Engine revving]

Jordan (narrating): I feel a bit uneasy as we travel up the driveway, surrounded by overgrown bushes and colorful wildflowers. The garden may have been orderly once upon a time but nature has reclaimed it at this point. But nothing really seems scary. Perhaps it's just the sound of the gate closing behind us that puts me on edge.

[Metallic clonk]

Derek: Just relax, Jordan. It's just an old lady. I'm sure she won't be dangerous.

Jordan (narrating): I wish I was as sure as Derek... but there is no turning back now. An old house can be hinted at the end of the driveway. It looks like it's being reclaimed by nature as well. Moss paints the roof dark green and brown vines hold the walls in their grip.

[Ghost howl]

Jordan (narrating): A woman stands in the driveway, ready to greet us. In a colorful white dress with red polka dots, she looks oddly misplaced in this environment.

[Car door closing]

Woman: Hi, I'm Susan. Jane's daughter. We've been expecting you.

Jordan: Sorry, we got a bit held up on the way... I'm Jordan, and this is my friend Derek, who you spoke to on the phone I believe.

Susan: You're welcome, both of you. We don't get many guests out here. We're trying to sell the place since my mom is moving with me to Arizona, but the remoteness and the repairs needed scare most people off. I'll give you a short tour before I take you to Mom.

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