Trailer: Where is Araminta Green?

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[Eerie music]

Jordan: Our lives are filled with a tapestry of people. Some are closely knitted into the fabric while others hang out on the fringes. They're the classmates passing in the hallway or fellow passengers on the bus you take every morning. We may greet them with a smile of recognition but we don't know them. We don't think about a certain moment perhaps being the last time we see them.

But what if the last time you saw someone was the last time anyone saw them at all?

[Wind chimes]

Jordan: Last seen almost two years ago, Araminta Green lived her life on the fringes. She was last seen walking into a graveyard early on a Thursday morning by a passing classmate.

[Ghost howl]

Jordan: Araminta was a mystery even before she vanished. She rarely spoke to classmates and her goth exterior made her appear difficult to approach. She enjoyed tarot reading, often bringing a set of cards with her to school, and carried around pouches with mysterious concoctions, which she claimed possessed magical powers. Her only friend was an old lady living far out in the woods. It's no wonder her peers speculated that she was a witch.

[Witchy laughter]

Jordan: Since her disappearance, no clues about Araminta's whereabouts have surfaced. The police dropped the case quickly, dismissing her as a runaway. Her parents, who spent more time at the golf club than with their daughter and were mystified by her peculiar interests, appeared to believe the same.

I can't help but wonder if people would have cared more about finding Araminta if she had been a peppy blonde volleyball captain instead of a moody goth chick.

[Ghost howl]

Jordan: But no one seems to care about what happened to Araminta. No one but me.

I am Jordan Thompson, and I am that classmate who last saw her. It was a Monday morning and I was driving to school. I spotted her, dressed in a purple hoop skirt and a wide-brimmed hat, walking into the graveyard.

Araminta lived next to me but we never talked. She may have frightened me a bit. I saw her sometimes in her backyard, feeding a little black cat. The evening of her disappearance, I heard loud yowling outside the patio door of her house. I grabbed a tuna can and lured the poor feline over to my place. Kiki has lived here ever since because Araminta never came back.

[Ghost howl]

Jordan: In this podcast, I attempt to follow the trail of Araminta, asking questions no one has asked: Why was she in the graveyard that morning? Why has her parents not missed their cat? And was she actually a witch?

In the end, I hope to find the answer to the question that has plagued me for the last two years: Where is Araminta Green?

[Eerie music]

Jordan: Subscribe to follow along as new episodes drop.

[Crow caws]

[Crow caws]

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