Episode 1

89 24 149

[Eerie music]

Jordan: Welcome to "Where is Araminta Green?" where I, Jordan Thompson, investigate the disappearance of my classmate and neighbor. Two years ago, I was the last person to see Araminta, and the mystery of her whereabouts just won't leave my mind. In this episode, we will delve into the morning when I last saw her. What was she doing, where was she supposed to be, and why was she walking through the cemetery at such an early hour?

[Wind howling]

Jordan: But let's start with what I do know about that morning. I know what I did and where I was. And I know Araminta was supposed to be there as well.

Araminta disappeared on a Thursday. On Thursdays, we had math class together at 9 a.m.

We actually shared quite a few classes senior year. Math, History, and English, if I recall correctly. Araminta usually sat in the back of the classroom, gazing out the window while looking bored. Despite her aloof demeanor, I know Araminta did quite well in class. Caught up in the competitiveness of high school, I may have peeked at her scores when our papers were passed back once or twice. I have to admit that Araminta did better than me most of the time.

[Sad trombone]

Anyway, Araminta and I were both supposed to be in class at 9 a.m. that morning. I was there but she wasn't. Her bench stood empty. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Students missed classes all the time. Although Araminta usually didn't. She may seem bored but she was still present at roll call.

It wasn't until the next morning, when we were supposed to have History together, that her absence struck me as odd. But that's a story for the next episode when I will delve into how it was discovered that Araminta was missing.

What is odd though is that I saw her around 7.30 that morning. Being the editor of the school newspaper, I liked to arrive early to see to my duties before class, so that's why I was driving to school at that hour. But I can't figure out why Araminta—who actively seemed to avoid extracurricular activities—was already out and about since she wouldn't have to leave home until an hour later to be in school for class.

No one has been able to figure out what Araminta was doing at that hour. Her parents were out of town that week so, as far as I know, I was the only person who caught a glimpse of her that morning.

To try to answer this question, I decided to walk in her footsteps. So let's cut to me outside.

[Footsteps against the ground]

Jordan: It's 7.15 am. About the time Araminta must have left her house that morning. In this episode, I attempt to recreate her steps before disappearing, in the hopes of discovering some kind of lead.

[Footsteps against the ground]

Jordan (narration): It's early March and the air is cold. Probably colder than it was the morning when Araminta disappeared. It was April then, and I don't remember her wearing a coat when I saw her. I think I was just wearing a hoodie myself. But this March morning, I'm wearing a bulky jeans jacket on top of a black sweater. I wish I had worn mittens.

At least I'm not alone though.

[Cat meows]

Jordan (narration): Kiki decided to join me on my walk.

I start right outside the house where Araminta used to live, neighboring my own childhood home. Her parents moved out of the house soon after the disappearance, more on that later in the series, but I believe they still own it, as no For Sale sign ever appeared outside. And curiously, someone is still tending to the lawn and hedges.

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