Episode 7

79 17 99

[Eerie music]

Jordan (narrating): Welcome to "Where is Araminta Green?" where I, Jordan Thompson, investigate the disappearance of my classmate and neighbor. Two years ago, I was the last person to see Araminta, and the mystery of her whereabouts just won't leave my mind. This episode is the seventh and last installment of the show since the university course for which I've been creating this project is coming to a close. It's also a slightly different episode from the previous ones. To start with, due to a recent wrist injury that makes the technical aspects of podcasting difficult,  I have some new assistants with me. Do you guys want to say hi to the listeners?

Chase: Hi. I'm Chase, Jordan's brother. I'm helping him with recording, cutting, sound effects, and all that stuff, I guess. Is that enough or should I say something more?

Jordan: Yeah, that's great. Thank you, Chase!

Darcy: And I'm Darcy, Jordan's sister and also the producer for this episode! Hello to everyone out there! And if Jungkook is listening my phone number is [beeeeeeep].

Chase: [groans] Jungkook isn't listening to this, Darce!

Darcy: He could be! When this podcast goes viral, everyone will listen to it!

Chase: Well, I'm going to put a beep over your phone number anyway, because I don't think Mom will appreciate having everyone call you.

Darcy: No, you're not! Jordan, tell him he can't!

Jordan: Eh... I think it's probably a good idea not to mention any personal phone numbers in the podcast. But I have set up an email for the podcast, so if any K-pop idols listen and want to get in touch, they can contact us through that.

Darcy: Fine...

Jordan: As you can tell, we're having a grand old-time sibling bonding over here. Hopefully, no one will have strangled anyone else by the end of the podcast. Oh, and Kiki is also here for moral support, but you guys already know her.


Jordan: She's asleep right now but I'm sure she will make her opinion known later.

[Cat meows]

Jordan: Anyway, as I was saying, this episode will be different in a couple of ways. In the previous episodes, I have been out in the field—interviewing someone or doing field research—but in this episode, it will just be me talking from the studio. Because I'm all out of leads and running out of time. I have also realized that this search has been as much about finding myself as it has been about finding Araminta, even if I won't give up hope that one day she will be found as well. So today, I will speak directly to Araminta, telling her what this journey meant to me.

[Clears throat]

Jordan: Araminta. I don't know if you even knew my name. I hope you did because that means I wasn't as invisible as I thought I was in high school. I was convinced that no one knew my name or even noticed me in the hallways, and I believe you shared that feeling of not mattering to anyone. But you did matter to me. I thought so many times that I should reach out to you; to ask you if you wanted to work together on a project in History class or something. I wish I had done that. Maybe you wouldn't be missing then.

While I don't know exactly what happened to you, based on the clues I have found I believe you disappeared because you thought no one would miss you. Be it a spell or just walking away into the woods. It was an act of defiance to the ones who wouldn't see you. But I think something went wrong and now you can't find your way back home, even though you want to. And just like in school, I wish I knew how to reach out to you, to take your hand and bring you back into the light. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as turning toward the person next to me in the classroom this time, asking a question that should have been simple but wasn't. Because I feared getting rejected so much that I never gave anyone the chance to accept me. So if you hear this, you need to give me some kind of sign or clue on what to do to find you. I won't reject you, I promise. I will do whatever I have to. And I won't question whatever journey you have been on, no matter how unbelievable it may seem. I am on your side, Araminta. I am your friend. I am reaching out now, even though it may be too late. I am asking you now if you want to work on a school project together.

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