Episode 3a

69 18 107

[Eerie music]

Jordan (narrating): Welcome to "Where is Araminta Green?" where I, Jordan Thompson, investigate the disappearance of my classmate and neighbor. Two years ago, I was the last person to see Araminta, and the mystery of her whereabouts just won't leave my mind. In this episode, the third installment of the series, I'm investigating the mysterious hidden pathway leading from the cemetery, where Araminta was last seen, toward the woods.

[Wind howls]

Jordan (narrating): And well... [brief pause] This is where things get weird. Very weird. So follow along as I tread on a mysterious path of witchy weirdness.

[Rustling leaves]

Jordan (whispering): [gasp] A witch's house.

[Witchy laughter]

Jordan (narrating): So, after some effort, I found the hidden pathway. Although I did almost get lost in the cemetery first.

[Rustling leaves]

Jordan (narrating): Just as Rhonda told me, it led toward the woods. Despite being next to a neighborhood filled with people, it's like stepping into another world. Soft moss is beneath my feet and cascading branches billow in the wind above.

[Cat meows]

Jordan (narrating): And Kiki is here. Of course. Don't ask me how she got here, because she's supposed to be safe and sound at home. Kiki won't reveal her break-out tricks. I've tried to ask her but got no reply.

[Cat meows more opinionatedly]

Jordan (narrating): Well no reply that makes sense to me at least.

[Cat trills in acknowledgment]

Jordan (narrating): Through a clearing filled with lilies of the valley—the same flower Araminta supposedly put on a not yet identified grave in the cemetery—Kiki led me deeper into the woods. To add to the eerie vibes, a crow joined our journey.

[Crow caws]

Jordan (narrating): Rounding a corner, a hidden cottage appeared, looking like it was taken straight from a fairytale. With brown walls and white trims, I had an urge to reach out to taste if it's actually made of gingerbread.

[Crunching from chewing on cookie]

Jordan (narrating): No, I didn't taste it. Partly because going around tasting strange houses might not be the best idea health-wise, and partly because...

Voice of old lady: Hello there, young man. It's not often I get visitors around here.

Jordan (narrating): ... I'm not alone out here. A lady with long gray hair in a messy braid and bushy eyebrows that touch the brim of her green felt hat has appeared right outside the cottage as if materializing out of thin air. Perhaps she was hiding behind one of the flourishing rose bushes? Which I realize now is kind of odd in itself, because while I may not know much about roses, I know that they don't usually bloom in spring.

Old lady: And it was a long time since I saw you around here, little kitty cat.

Jordan (narrating): The lady reaches down to pet Kiki, who happily accepts the cuddles. Now, Kiki may be a friendly kitty but she doesn't usually walk up to just anyone. At least not if they don't have tuna for her. Kiki is not above bribes in that regard.

[Can opening]

Jordan (mumbling): Hi there, mam. Do you... know Kiki already?

Old lady: Yes, of course. This little kitty used to belong to my dear sister.

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