What to read next?

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It you liked the vibes of this story, here are some other stories for you to dive into!

My own stories
If you like shapeshifting animals and mysteries steeped in history, check out Midnight Eclipse.

If you like fluffy queer romances with socially awkward leads, check out Sweet Little Birds.

If you like cats with an attitude (and who doesn't?), check out Why Is There An Alien Princess In My Room?

Other ONC novellas

If you like constantly meddling crows, check out How To Poison Your Husband by CMF_Wright

If you like flirting guys falling headfirst into supernatural mysteries, check out Baguette Rhymes With Dead by bigfivedonaldduckfan

If you like coming-of-age stories where the main character learns something about themselves along the way, check out Love, Dad by EvelynHail

If you like mysterious appearances (as well as disappearances), check out Chimera by empiresofwater

If you like female leads that defy social expectations, check out Mars Needs Women by wdhenning

If you like adorable younger siblings who constantly interfer, check out The Escaped Con's Hostage by annkreeves

If you like inventive mysteries that just keep twisting, check out Stone2Stone by evacharya

If you like characters rummaging through remnants from the past, check out Dear Citlali by MelisandeScott

I may add to this as I finish more stories, because I'm about to go on a reading spree!

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