Chapter 16: Three Steps

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Upon hearing the call from downstairs, every cell in Jordan's body ceased to function. He became frozen in indecision, unable to stay where he was but also incapable of moving.

"Mroooow!" said Kiki, reminding him that it was entirely on him to solve this situation. After all, the cat's presence in the house could be explained, as members of her species always intruded where they shouldn't, but him being there wasn't as easily excused. Twenty-year-old guys weren't supposed to just materialize in the house of former classmates, especially not ones that went missing under mysterious circumstances. Jordan worried that breaking into Araminta's home could even cause him to become a suspect in the case.

But this wasn't the time to spin increasingly catastrophic scenarios in his mind. This was the time to act. Because maybe he could still get himself out of this pickle.

Prompting himself to inhale, bringing some well-needed oxygen to his panicked brain, Jordan attempted to evaluate the situation. The police were by the front door, which meant that there may still be an opportunity for him to quickly sneak out the back door, which he had left open, and make his way over to his own yard before they went around the house. It was a long shot but the only chance he had to get out of this mess without tarnishing his record.

Through the hallway. Down the stairs. Out the door. Those were the three steps he had to execute to get out of there. Just three simple steps. That's all he had to focus on.

Jordan threw one last longing look toward the puzzle box, where the intriguing cards he'd committed a burglary to find were hidden. There wasn't time to solve the puzzle all over again to extract the treasure. Nor was there time to investigate the old book and essay that lay on the bed. It would also have to be left behind because there was no way Jordan would be able to carry it during his perilous escape. His mission appeared to have been for naught, as he would walk away empty-handed. But his priority right now was to be able to walk away at all, instead of being led away in handcuffs.

After one last deep inhale, Jordan spun around and opened the door to the pitch-black hallway. Unable to use the flashlight to illuminate his route in fear of being noticed, he clambered close to the wall, prepared to escape back into Araminta's room if he heard the loud steps from police boots. Kiki was right behind, her paws swift like the wind on the carpet. She definitely embodied the expression "agile like a cat". After having made his way around the last corner, Jordan cautiously peered down the stairs, wondering if he was brave enough to make a run for it.

Another hard knock on the door worked as motivation. Brave or not, he had to go. With a determined stride, he started his descent, taking the stairs two steps at a time. Just down the stairs and out the door. That's all he had left to do. He repeated the coming actions like a mantra.

Down the stairs. Out the door. Down the stairs. Out the door. Down the st—

"We know you're in there!" a stern voice called out as Jordan reached the midpoint, instilling fear in every limb.

Perhaps it was that fear that made his feet stumble. Perhaps it was his general lack of coordination. Regardless of the reason, Jordan found himself tumbling down the last part of the stairs, with no possibility of gaining traction.

His back hurt from the rough landing on the steps. His ankle hurt from being twisted when he fell. His wrist hurt like hell when it took the brunt of the impact upon landing.

Feeling like a cartoon character seeing stars in front of their eyes upon injury, Jordan stayed on the floor for a moment, breathing through the pain and counting all his limbs to make sure they were still there. The pain was overwhelming and momentarily making him forget what he was even doing. But he couldn't stay there. He had to run. Even if he didn't know if his legs would carry.

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