The Reunion.

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(Malleus's pov) 

    We managed to get through RSA's barrier because of the rift between the magic in both of the mirrors. I was the last of the group to step into the forest. Once I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but green flourished grass and flowers dancing in the wind with my hair along with it. The feeling of the nice breeze really did hit me in some way like no other gargoyle statue could.The sound of the waterfall that flowed into the lake seemed rather calming as well. While we were walking along the path I saw Floyd go towards another lake with a big smile on his face. Floyd crouched down seeing all of the colorful coy and tropical fish swimming gracefully next to each other. Like they were all in perfect synchronization dance.

Floyd: Wough~! Jade! Azul! You have got to come see the fish they have here! 

Azul: This isn't a field trip Floyd. You can't just run along and stop at everything you find interesting. We've had to stop moving five times already because you needed to look at all of the other fish in other ponds and rivers here. 

Azul pulled on Floyd's jacket to get him back on the road and kept walking with us. 

Floyd: Huh~? You got a problem with that? 

Azul: Yes I do. We have a reason to be in enemy territory and you're over here just acting like it's a normal field day for you. 

Floyd: Aw come on Azul! You're just upset that we are here. 

I have to admit, my interest was peeked when Floyd said that. 

Malleus: Oh? And why's that? 

Jade: Azul is just cranky because if we are at Royal Sword Academy we are bound to run into-

Azul: Jade. 

Jade: Mhm? What is it boss? 

Azul pulls the twins to the side and whispers. 

Azul: I thought we made it perfectly clear to not mention anything. 

Floyd whispers back and argues. 

Floyd: Awe! Come on! I haven't seen Amaryllis in forever~!

Azul: I don't care. We made a deal that we wouldn't speak to her. 

Jade: If you don't care then how come you are making such a fuss? 

Azul: Ark- well the answer is simple. However, I wouldn't waste my  breath trying to explain it to you both because I know in some way you would throw it back in my face. Figure it out for yourselves. 

Azul then left letting the twins see him leaving and gave a little grin from behind.  

Rook: I for one am excited. If there is just a slight chance that after we find Emma and Mimi, then I will gladly say find and say hello to Roi de Neige. 

Ace: Neige? He's the guy who competed with us during the SDC right? 

Rook: Precisely. 

Vil snarled. 

Vil: Neige... 

Epel: Weak! Rook why did you have to say his name again?! 

Vil then signed collecting his composure. 

Vil: ...It's fine...

Rook: See, that's good! Great improvement from last time Roi du poison! 

Vil: I'm...trying. 

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