The Glass Slipper

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(Mimi's pov)

               I felt a cold wind against my back, the chill sent shivers down my spine and to my tail. The feathers of my wings were blowing through the thick, dusty, air. Opening my eyes I coughed into my shoulder from how much dust there was in the room. After my vision came to focus I looked around the place where I found myself in. There was light coming from broken windows so it was clear enough to see the old drapes against the walls and musty carpet that had no end in sight from as far as I could see. Looking around more, I saw that vines were growing through the windows and cobwebs on every broken chandelier. 

Mimi: Where, am I? It's so cold the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. 

Taking a better look at my surroundings I saw that not only the place was looking like Ramshackle Dorm before the renovations that the guys made after the incident with Idia. BUT the place looked even worse, ten times in fact! I think the place was trying it's best to look like an abandoned castle. 

Mimi: Geez, at least Ramshackle had proper electricity so that I could see...(Wait, oh no! The guys!) Ace! Deuce! Grim! Ortho! Anybody?! 

There's no need to shout. 

I turned my head around getting in a fighting position if necessary. 

Mimi: Who's there?

I am not a threat. There is no reason for you to get into a fighting stance. 

Mimi: Okay...but you still didn't answer my question. Who. Are. You? 

You can refer to me as a "Convoy" meaning I will be your guide. I am here to lend you a helping hand. 

Mimi: Convoy? What are you talking about? 

I was sent here by a dear old friend of mine. They asked for my assistance and I couldn't just pass up the opportunity. 

Mimi: What opportunity are you talking about? What's going on here? 

Before I answer your questions. What is your name? 

Mimi: My name? It's-

Mimi, a female freshman attending Night Raven Collage head of Ramshackle dorm class 1-A seat number 27. 

Mimi: do you know my name and where I go to school already if you asked me-

If I already asked what's your name? Forgive my rudeness we are running on a time clock here and I couldn't waste a single second more. You see, once a person from the outside world has come into this palace they are automatically registered in the hands of the storybooks they are about to step into. 

Mimi: Palace? 

Oh yes, my apologies, the place you have found yourself in after you awoke from your nap is the old abandoned castle. 

Mimi: That explains why it's so out of date. And what was that last part about stepping into a storybook? 

Ah! Right. Hold on tight. 

Mimi: Hold on tight to wha-ah! 

The floor began to move at a fast pace, making my hair all frizzed up in the back and my wings loose one or two of their feathers. As the floor came to a stop the room was spinning, and I couldn't focus my vision clearly either. Stumbling backwards I accidentally tripped on my demon tail and fell onto the ground. 

Mimi: Oof! Ow-ow-ow! That's gonna be a pain tomorrow argh!...

I took a moment to get myself in check and stood up brushing the dust off of my school uniform then to find myself staring up at a beautiful girl in a portrait hanging above a fancy wooden table with three blue Oncidium orchids placed perfectly in a heart shaped glass vase. Getting a closer look at the girl I noticed that she looked just like one of the great sevens from Akria's school. However, the portrait looked way better than the statue of her from up close. 

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