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(Emma's pov) 

When we made our way through the mirror, I began to hear a familiar tune being played. 

   It was the same song I heard falling asleep back at the Headmaster's office. Once we got through the mirror and were walking down the road. All I could see was black vines and thorns surrounding every inch or grass. Some were taller than others reaching up to Malleus's height could be even further. Only a few rose buds could be seen peeking through the vines, they looked so small. Like little tear drops almost. 

   I was walking behind Malleus the whole time, not being able to see his expression really bothered me. However, for some reason, I didn't feel comfortable yet to walk alongside any of them. I was conflicted, now that I know I am supposed to be the next Sleeping Beauty. I guess that meant that Malleus and I would be enemies. But I don't want us to be enemies I want us to be...to be. Dang it. Why am I so shy around him now?! I never used to be...maybe it's not shyness...I don't want to be scared of him. I don't think I would be. I don't think I should be. But. My gut tells me that I should...be aware from now on. I should, I shouldn't be-

     Once I blinked as I kept my eyes on Malleus's back I saw a green flash and everyone around me sleeping. My friends, my teachers...everyone. As I opened my eyes, I stopped in my tracks and looked around seeing no threat I looked ahead and saw that  the others were far ahead of me now. I took one step forward and as I did, I felt something grab me from my ankle. I fell and hit the ground. I tried to yell for help but my voice was gone. I saw that Malleus and the others were laughing. Suddenly, I got dragged away from them and into the thorny forest of DreamValley. After I was fully submerged in the vines and thorns the thing that had my ankle loosened up a bit and I was able to break free. 

   I began to breathe heavily trying to make sense of the situation I was in. Looking around all I saw was thorns and vines blocking my view from anything in front of me and behind. In all directions were just thorns and vines. It sent a chill down my spine. I tried to call for help this time something came out instead of my voice being completely unheard. 

Emma: Anybody?! Guys! Please! 

    I walked up to the vines that were blocking my way. I tried to push them aside trying my best to not prick my finger on any of the sharp thorns. Once I got a clear view of the path again and barley might I add, I put my foot up on the opening from the vines however, the vines closed back up immediately making me stubble a few steps backwards. I tried again. Once more, the vines closed up. Now this was creeping me out. How can vines move on their own? 


I heard my name being called. I looked around. 

Emma: Who's there? 

She shall prick her finger~ 

Just then, I saw a green light in front of me. I fell into a trance one that I could not get out of. It was like something was pulling me towards the green light. 

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