Mission 1

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Crowley: Wha, the forbidden room? Chenya, Akira, have you lost your right way of thinking? The forbidden room is not to be messed around with. I think I shouldn't have to tell you it because I am not your headmaster but...

Akira: We know. But, in case Neige makes a run for it and he goes for his enchanted item. It's game over. For all of us. 

Chenya: Yep, it wouldn't matter if we are all inside. Safe away from his snow storm. We'll all be put to rest if he makes his way there. So it is our job to protect the students of the school. Even if it means to put our personal safety aside. 

Vil: What would be his plan on doing when he got the item in question? And what do you mean by enchanted item? 

Akira: There are many enchanted items in that room. I know that NRC has a room like ours. What is in your forbidden room? If you don't mind me asking of course. 

Crowley: ...Ours contains the magic mirror, Maleficence's staff, Jafar's staff, a piece of Pride Rock, the Dark Scissors, the Queen of Hearts tea cup, and a Golden Contract. 

Akira: ...I see. 

Chenya: Ours has the Magic Wishing Apple, the Golden Flower, the Drink Me Potion, the Enchanted Rose, Glass Slipper, Cursed Spinning Wheel, and Skeleton Fish Pen. 

Riddle: All very important or sentimental items to the users at hand huh. Interesting. 

Trey was cooking in the background while Vil was using his signature spell on the apples inside the pan. 

Trey: But what I don't get is why would you need to go there? What would Neige do with that type of power? It just doesn't make sense to me. 

Chenya: If a dorm leader goes into the forbidden room while their overblot form is active then that item that they hold dear will corrupt them in such a way until no return is possible. 

Cater: What is his enchanted object again? 

Akira: The Magic Wishing Apple. 

Vil: ...So what your saying is that if Neige gets the apple. He'll be overwhelmed with its power and die. 

Akira: That's right. And we aren't going to let that happen. 

Vil: (I don't know...I mean, if Neige is out of the picture, then I can finally be the fairest one of all. Nothing will hold me back from that title that I want so badly anymore.) 

Chenya: I know you may sound keen to the idea Vil but...we aren't looking to murder our friend here. 

Trey: You really weren't thinking of letting him get killed were you? 

Vil: ...

Trey: Vil...

Vil: ... ... ...How are you so sure that I didn't just use Fairest One of All of a high dose in this apple crumb cake here that will actually kill Neige? Surely you didn't think that I would let you use me, for my signature spell and get away with it without consequences right? 

Akira: He makes a good point on all of you not being trust worthy. However, if you didn't accept our pleas for help. From our headmaster no-less. That would bring serious repercussions to your students at Pomefiore that goes for every last student that goes to NRC as well. I would hate for the same thing to happen to your school as well. And this isn't a threat. It's a warning. You've seen what Neige's spell can do first hand. Would you want that to happen to the rest of your dorm? 

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