Part Four

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At Xiao Zhan Mansion

Wang Yibo gets angry. He tries to punch Xiao Zhan but bodyguards didn't let him to move his hands and legs.

Xiao Zhan smirks when he sees that Wang Yibo is extremely angry. He touches Wang Yibo's cheeks.

"Don't touch me.", Wang Yibo yells.

"I will.", Xiao Zhan says and he slide  his hand on Wang Yibo's chest.

"Guards, imprison him inside the special room which is specially designed for mermaids.", Wei Wuxian orders his bodyguards.

Those bodyguards takes Wang Yibo inside a big room. This room is so special.

There is a waterfall in that room. The water goes out from a underground tunnel. The underground tunnel is sealed with a iron net. It also can give electric shock. There is a small pond in which the waterfall's water filled in. And then extra water goes out from the tunnel which is sealed by iron net.

There is a big bed in that room which is away from waterfall. Wang Yibo gets shock when he observes the room.

"It's... it's same room.", Wang Yibo mumbles.

Those bodyguards throws Wang Yibo inside the room. After that those bodyguards left.

Wang Yibo gets up from floor. He removes dist from his clothes. Wang Yibo looks at the whole room and old memories starts coming inside his mind. Wang Yibo hold his head and then he sits on bed.

"This place is reminding me of her.", Wang Yibo mumbles and his eyes gets teary.

Tears fell from Wang Yibo's eyes and it turned in pearls. Wang Yibo gets up and he goes near small pond. He sits on his knees and touch the water.

"Yefei!", Wang Yibo mumbles.

Wang Yibo moves his hand inside the water. Wang Yibo takes out his hand. Wang Yibo goes towards door and he locks it. Wang Yibo comes towards the pond and he takes out his clothes.

Wang Yibo is naked. He goes inside the pond and stands under waterfall. His legs turns in big blue tail. Wang Yibo feels relief. He closes his eyes and feels the cold water. Wang Yibo changes in a merman.


"Yefei! Don't worry I will take you out from here. I need some time.", Wang Yibo says while holding Yefei's hand.

"Yibo... It's a trap. No one can go out. This devil will not let me to go anywhere. Because of me you will also come in danger. You can't use your powers.", Yefei says while crying.

"I can't leave you here.", Wang Yibo says.

Yefei is three months pregenant. Wang Yibo has come to save Yefei. But it's not easy for Yefei to go out from trap. Yefei is pregenant but not from Wang Yibo's child but someone else's child.

There is a culture in mermaid realm that they can't get physical before their marriage. To protect their culture mermaids and merman only talks to each other but they never try to get physical and they never try to break the rules of their realm.

Flashback Ends

Wang Yibo opens his eyes. He looks at his own hands.

"I can use my powers but only inside water. When I will come out from water then again I will loose my powers.", Wang Yibo thinks.

Wang Yibo sighs. He starts swimming inside the pond. He tries to search the exit. He search the tunnel but it is sealed cleverly.

"This net is still here. No one removed it since twenty five years. Argh.... It's the only way to go out secretly. Those who made the mension were so clever.", Wang Yibo thinks.

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