Part Twenty

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In Xiao Zhan Mansion

It's evening and Wang Yibo is still doing bed rest. Xiao Zhan took care of Wang Yibo for whole day. Even he himself prepared food for Wang Yibo.

Now Xiao Zhan is sitting on couch and he is looking at Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo is laying on bed and he is covered with a blanket. He is clean now.

"Stop looking at me!", Wang Yibo says.

"I can't.", Xiao Zhan replies.

"Since two hours you are staring at me.", Wang Yibo says.

Xiao Zhan chuckles and he gets up from couch. He goes towards bed and sits on corner. He looks at Wang Yibo with his loving gaze and caresses his hairs.

"I can't take off my eyes from you.", Xiao Zhan says and gives a warm smile.

Wang Yibo's heart melts due to Xiao Zhan's warmth. He gulps because now again his heart stubbornly starts beating. Wang Yibo hold Xiao Zhan's hand and they both stayed like that for few minutes while looking into each other's eyes.


Next morning Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan did their breakfast with each other. Sometimes Xiao Zhan also feed Wang Yibo with his own hands.

Wang Yibo was happy because Xiao Zhan took care of him. Also at last night Xiao Zhan let Wang Yibo to sleep peacefully and he didn't bother him. It creates a soft corner for Xiao Zhan in Wang Yibo's heart.

After that Wang Yibo gets ready to leave. Xiao Zhan couldn't understand where Wang Yibo is going. He dumb fondly looks at him.

"Yibo.", Finally Xiao Zhan asks.

"Umm!", Wang Yibo replies.

"Where are you going?", Xiao Zhan asks.

"I am going my home.", Wang Yibo answers.

"Are you leaving me? Why Yibo? Didn't you said you loves me... Then why are you leaving me? Please don't leave me? I will provide everything which you want. Stay with me.", Xiao Zhan says worriedly and he goes in front of Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan hold Wang Yibo's hand and didn't let him go. Wang Yibo gets confused and he sighs. Xiao Zhan is thinking a lot and he misunderstood that Wang Yibo is leaving him but Wang Yibo is going his home because he wants to meet his family. Wang Yibo has some duties regarding a merman.

"Zhan... Stop.", Wang Yibo says annoyingly.

"Yibo don't leave me. I love you.", Xiao Zhan says.

Wang Yibo hold Xiao Zhan's both hand and he looks into his eyes.

"Xiao Zhan! Calm down. I am not leaving you. I just want to meet my family. I have lots of pending work. If I won't complete them then water god will get upset from me.", Wang Yibo says.

"Oohhh..", Xiao Zhan replies and he awkwardly smiles and bites his tongue.

Xiao Zhan feels relief because Wang Yibo isn't leaving him. He kisses on Wang Yibo's forehead and then moves his lips towards Wang Yibo's lips.

Xiao Zhan joins his lips with Wang Yibo's lips and moves his lips. Wang Yibo bites Xiao Zhan's lower lip and then he starts sucking Xiao Zhan's tongue.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo kisses for fifteen minutes. When they both gets satisfied then they breaks the kiss and looks into each other's eyes. Their forehead are still attached.

Xiao Zhan moves his hand on Wang Yibo's hairs.

"Yibo! You can go. I am sorry because I think I have wasted your time.", Xiao Zhan says and he apologized.

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