Part Seven

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In Xiao Zhan Mansion

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo starts going out from the room then suddenly Wang Yibo remembers something. He turns towards Xiao.

"Why are you looking at me? Do you want kiss?", Xiao Zhan says.

"Shameless... Can't you think other things? I want sunglasses.", Wang Yibo says irritatly.

"Ooh... I can give you everything my Yibo.", Xiao Zhan says. Then he comes out from the room and goes towards his own room.

Wang Yibo looks at the door. He cross his arms.

"What did he said? 'My Yibo'. I am not yours. I am your uncle Zhan. Don't create feelings for me otherwise you will hurt yourself. I can see in your eyes that what are you feeling for me.", Wang Yibo thinks.

Then Xiao Zhan comes inside with sunglasses. Wang Yibo was about to hold them but Xiao Zhan himself put sunglasses on Wang Yibo's eyes.

"My Yibo is looking fabulous. Let's go.", Xiao Zhan says.

"Stop calling me 'my Yibo'. Please... It's irritating. I look you as a kid.", Wang Yibo says.

"Whatever. ", Xiao Zhan says and he comes out from room.

"He is so mannerless and stubborn. I need to teach him some good manners..", Wang Yibo thinks.

They both comes out from room. And then walks in Mansion. Lu En jie was going out from the mansion but her eyes fell on a handsome personality.

Lu En jie stops at her place. She feels like she is getting attracted towards the man. And the man is Wang Yibo. Lu En jie heart starts beating fastly. First time she has seen a handsome greek god like man in front of her eyes.

"Woow!", Lu En jie mumbles while looking at Wang Yibo.

Lu En jie looks at Xiao Zhan. She immediately starts walking towards both of them and then she stands in front of them.

"Umm Zhan ge! Some guest have arrived home and you didn't inform me.", Lu En jie complaints.

Xiao Zhan looks at Wang Yibo. Lu En jie doesn't know that Wang Yibo didn't come this mansion with his own desire. Xiao Zhan forcibly kidnapped Wang Yibo.

"Umm.. actually yes. He is a new guest. But soon he will be a permanent member of this family.", Xiao Zhan says and he starts imagining his marriage with Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo sighs.

" I am not a permanent family member. He is just teasing. Actually I came here for some important work. And today Xiao Zhan is going out with me for an important work.", Wang Yibo says.

"Ooh.. by the way, what's your name?", Lu En jie asks.

"He is my Yi...mmpphhhh..", Xiao Zhan was about to says.

Xiao Zhan was about to say my Yibo but Wang Yibo immediately put his hand on Xiao Zhan's mouth.

"I am Wang Yibo.", Wang Yibo replies.

"Ooh. Your name is so good. My name is Lu En jie. I am younger sister of Zhan ge. Nice to meet you.", Lu En jie says with a soft smile.

Wang Yibo also smiles. Xiao Zhan push Wang Yibo's hand. He angrily glares at Wang Yibo because Wang Yibo is smiling for Lu En jie.

"You are so handsome.", Lu En jie says.

"Thanks.", Wang Yibo replies with a smile.

"Umm. Where do you live? I asked because you are my brother's friend. And I really like your personality. I think we both also should make friendship with each other.", Lu En jie says.

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