Part Eight

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Inside Ocean

"Grandfather!", Xiao Zhan mumbles.

"Yes.", Wang Yibo replies.

Shen Xiao Hai gets up from his throne and he goes towards Wang Yibo. He is happy because Wang Yibo has arrived home.

"Yibo! Where were you? And where is Song Ji Yang?", Shen Xiao Hai asks.

Shen Xiao Hai looks at Xiao Zhan. He didn't see Xiao Zhan's tail. Shen Xiao Hai stops near Wang Yibo and he observes Xiao Zhan from head to toe.

"Who is the creature with you? Why don't he have tail?", Shen Xiao Hai asks.

Wang Yibo smiles. He hold Xiao Zhan's hand. Xiao Zhan smiles and he tightly hold Wang Yibo's hand.

"He is your grandson. He is Xiao Zhan.", Wang Yibo says.

Shen Xiao Hai gets confused.

"I... I can't understand. My grandson?", Shen Xiao Hai asks.

"Yes. He is Yefei's son.", Suddenly James Huang says.

Shen Xiao Hai widen his eyes. He looks at Xiao Zhan. Wang Yibo left Xiao Zhan's hand and he goes little bit away. Shen Xiao Hai hold Xiao Zhan's both hands.

"Ying Ying.", Shen Xiao Hai says.

"Ying Ying... Does everyone knows me from this name? I can't understand anything rather then Yibo's and my name? I need to learn their language.", Xiao Zhan thinks.

Shen Xiao Hai looks at Wang Yibo.

"Really?", Shen Xiao Hai asks.

"Yes. Look at his mole and his eyes. And Xiao Zhan himself admitted that he is Yefei's son.", Wang Yibo says.

Shen Xiao Hai looks at Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan confusingly looks at Wang Yibo because he can't understand anything. Then Wang Yibo explain everything to Xiao Zhan whatever Shen Xiao Hai asks Xiao Zhan.

Then Xiao Zhan nodes his head while looking at Shen Xiao.

"Lord. He can't understand our language.", Wang Yibo says.

Shen Xiao Hai understand that he needs to talk in human language.

"Everyone listen..... Celebrate the day. Today my grandson has arrived home. I am grateful that my grandson is alive. Otherwise I... I thought that... we have lost him. But now it's time to celebrate.", Shen Xiao Hai announces.

Shen Xiao Hai looks at Xiao Zhan.

"Are you really Yefei's son?", Shen Xiao Hai asks in human language.

"Yes. My father was Lu Jian Min.", Xiao Zhan replies.

"I..I am your grandfather. I will introduce you to our whole family.", Shen Xiao Hai says.

Xiao Zhan smiles. Then Xiao Zhan looks everywhere. One by one everyone starts greeting Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan behaves patiently. Whenever he didn't understand their native language then he just nodes his head.

Wang Yibo goes at a distance then he looks at Xiao Zhan. Wang Yibo is still feeling hurt because Yefei was his first love but Xiao Zhan is Yefei's and Lu Jian Min's son. Wang Yibo still can't understand that what he is exactly feeling right now.

After one hour everything gets normal. Xiao Zhan meets his grandmother, uncle, aunts and nephews. He can't believe that he has a huge family from his mother's side.

Xiao Zhan is sitting with Shen Xiao Hai. Everyone is in a distance from them.

"Prince! Where is my son, Song Ji Yang?", Song Ji Yang's father asks in their native language but Shen Xiao Hai translates it to Xiao Zhan.

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