Part Nineteen

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On Road

Wang Yibo simply walks on road. He didn't told any taxi driver to drop him to his destination. He was enjoying his walk.

Wang Yibo again meets the same kid earlier who snatched his sunglasses. Wang Yibo stops at his place and he glares at the pervert kid.

The kid widen his eyes and he immediately runs away. Wang Yibo sighs and he let the kid to run away.

Wang Yibo again starts walking. He put his both hands on his pocket of pants. Suddenly Xiao Zhan's face and memories comes in Wang Yibo's mind. He smiles while remembering Xiao Zhan and he also starts remembering their first meeting.

"Xiao Zhan! Finally you understand that you can't make anyone forcibly yours. I hope you will live your life happily.", Wang Yibo thinks while smiling.

Wang Yibo was still walking. He feels something emptiness inside himself. He stops at his place and looks behind. He is far away from Xiao Zhan's mansion. Wang Yibo again looks at the road.

"Am I forgetting something?", Wang Yibo asks himself.

Wang Yibo again starts walking but this time he takes slow steps. Wang Yibo takes eight to nine steps and then he gain stops at his place. His inner feelings aren't letting him to leave the place.

"What is happening?", Wang Yibo again asks himself in mind.

Wang Yibo looks behind and he stops at his place for few minutes. Wang Yibo starts walking towards Xiao Zhan's mansion. He don't know why he is going back. But this time Wang Yibo doesn't want to leave.

Wang Yibo starts walking more fastly. His heartbeat is fast.

"He easily let me go. Didn't he said he loves me! And now he let me go. B..but why I am thinking about it? He easily left me and it's good for me. He won't create trouble for me and he won't tease me. He won't kiss me. He won't touch me. He won't look at me.. he won't love me!", Wang Yibo thinks.

Wang Yibo again stops on road. He lowers his head. Something is different with him. Today Wang Yibo is feeling something emptiness inside himself.

"Yefei! Today your son isn't bothering me but still his thoughts are bothering me.... What is it?", Wang Yibo thinks and he gets more sad and upset.

Wang Yibo lowers his head. He sighs and takes slow steps towards Xiao Zhan's mansion. His heartbeat is fast. His hands are shaking. Wang Yibo is feeling something weird feelings inside himself which he felt many years ago.

"It's not right....", Wang Yibo thinks because now he can feel that what is happening with his heart.

Wang Yibo can feel that he is missing Xiao Zhan. It's only one hour when he left Xiao Zhan's mansion and already he has started missing him.

"It's wrong. I... I only loves Yefei...", Wang Yibo thinks and his eyes gets teary. He looks at Xiao Zhan's mansion.


In Xiao Zhan Mansion

Xiao Zhan is sitting inside his room. His room is dark. Only one light is on.

Xiao Zhan has hugged his knees. Tears are continuously flowing from his eyes. He truly loves Wang Yibo but Wang Yibo left him.

Wang Yibo comes in Xiao Zhan's mansion. He looks around and he only found maids and other servants.

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