Part Seventeen

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At Beach

It's night. The beach is decorated beautifully for Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. They both are sitting on mat and looking at the sky which is full of stars and a bright moon.

They have already done their dinner and now they are feeling the cold wind and the beauty of night.

"Yibo.. this night is so beautiful.", Xiao Zhan says.

"Hmm.. indeed.", Wang Yibo replies.

"Yibo... Today I want to know something. Will you tell me?", Xiao Zhan asks and he looks at Wang Yibo.

"Yes.", Wang Yibo replies.

"How did you meet my mother? I didn't wanted to ask this question but now I can't be in dark anymore. Someday I will feel hurt when I will know the truth but today I want to know everything about you and my mother. I don't want to escape from the truth anymore.", Xiao Zhan says.

Wang Yibo smiles because finally Xiao Zhan is ready to listen everything peacefully.

"Yefei was water god's daughter. She was the one who had crush over me. Most of the time I used to meet water god in relation of work but I always felt that Yefei secretly used to see me. One day finally she dared to talk with me. I was just a normal merman in front of princess. That's why I felt hesitation to talk with her.", Wang Yibo says.

Xiao Zhan nodes his head.

"After that Yefei told me to be friends. We were best friends. Even many times we came out from the ocean. We roam in land. Her favourite flower was orchid. We always used to visit the her favourite caffe. She finally confessed her feelings and I accepted her. She herself told her parents about us. Water god doesn't have any problem with our relationship. He agreed.", Wang Yibo says and he smiles.

Xiao Zhan feels jealous when he saw Wang Yibo's smile. Wang Yibo understands that Xiao Zhan is staring at him. Wang Yibo stops smiling and he looks at the moon.

"Your grandfather fixed out marriage. But one day Yefei comes out from ocean. She was roaming in market with her human friends. That time Lu Jian Min recently become emperor. His eyes fell on Yefei. He kidnapped her and took her inside his mansion. After that he forcibly married to her. And after whatever happened you knows it.", Wang Yibo says.

Xiao Zhan nodes his head.

"We were emotionally attached with each other. According to our culture we are prohibit to touch our partner before wedding. We only can talk with each other. We ourselves don't break the rule. It's inappropriate and we  oppose our culture and break the rule.", Wang Yibo says.

" means you are pure...", Xiao Zhan asks.

"Hmm! Only after marriage we can touch our partner but...", Wang Yibo says.

Xiao Zhan gets tensed and he glares at Wang Yibo.

"But you took my first kiss. ", Wang Yibo says irritatly.

Xiao Zhan's tension flew away and he starts laughing. Xiao Zhan is happy because he is the first one who tries to make physical relationship with Wang Yibo. And Xiao Zhan is the one who kissed Wang Yibo.

Now Xiao Zhan's all doubts are clear. He is only waiting for the moment when Wang Yibo will fell in love with him.

Xiao Zhan feels this much relief first time in his whole life. His eyes gets teary. He put his head on Wang Yibo's lap.

Wang Yibo gets shock and he looks at Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan closes his eyes and he hold Wang Yibo's hand.

"Zhan! You can't sleep here. Let's go home if you are tired.", Wang Yibo says.

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