Twenty Two

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In Xiao Zhan Mansion

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are inside a room which have a pond and a waterfall.

Xiao Zhan has locked the door and he is sitting on bed. Wang Yibo is laying on a rock and his eyes are closed. His tail is inside water. Xiao Zhan is looking at Wang Yibo and he is tensed for him.

Xiao Zhan gets up from bed and he comes towards Wang Yibo. He sits on corner and caresses Wang Yibo's hairs.

"Yibo! Is your health alright?", Xiao Zhan asks.

"Mn!", Wang Yibo replies and he lazily opens his eyes.

Wang Yibo moves towards Xiao Zhan and he put his head on Xiao Zhan's lap. Xiao Zhan moves his hand on Wang Yibo's face. Wang Yibo feels relaxed and he closes his eyes.

"What is happening? You can tell me!", Xiao Zhan asks.

"I don't know but I am feeling dizziness. I don't want to come out from water.", Wang Yibo says.

"It's okay. You can rest here.", Xiao Zhan replies.

Xiao Zhan understood that Wang Yibo is feeling tired. He remembers that his grandmother Crystal Zhang told that merman's pregnancy gets risky with other creatures' child.

Xiao Zhan realises that he needs to be more careful. Due to any mistake they both can lost their son due to miscarriage.

Xiao Zhan removes his shirt.

"You can sleep comfortably wherever you want.", Xiao Zhan says.

Wang Yibo nodes his head. He goes inside the ping. Xiao Zhan also follows Wang Yibo. They both lays down in bed which Xiao Zhan especially prepared inside the pond.

Xiao Zhan changes his form and he turns in semi merman.

Xiao Zhan wraps his hand around Wang Yibo's waist. Wang Yibo hide his face in Xiao Zhan's chest.

"Good night Yibo!", Xiao Zhan says.

"Good night Zhan.", Wang Yibo replies.


Song Ji Yang is sleeping inside his room while hugging a pillow. It's first time when he is sleeping inside a room on a bed.

Now Song Ji Yang is relaxed and he is taking a peaceful sleep. Someone opens the window of Song Ji Yang's room and that creature is Wang Haoxuan.

Wang Haoxuan comes inside the room. He closes the window. Wang Haoxuan stands at his place and he looks at Song Ji Yang.

Wang Haoxuan's corner of lips curved upwards. Wang Haoxuan smiles when he saw Song Ji Yang. He quietly comes near bed and sits beside Song Ji Yang.

Wang Haoxuan quietly looks at Song Ji Yang. He uplift his hand to touch Song Ji Yang's forehead but he stops his hand.

Wang Haoxuan closes his eyes and then he gain opens his eyes. Wang Haoxuan touches Song Ji Yang's forehead.

Wang Haoxuan starts remembering about the time when Song Ji Yang was imprisoned in prison.

Wang Haoxuan looks at Song Ji Yang's lips. He remembers when he forcibly kisses Song Ji Yang then Song Ji Yang was so uncomfortable. Wang Haoxuan sighs and he quietly looks at Song Ji Yang.

"I hope you will forgive me.", Wang Haoxuan mumbles.

Wang Haoxuan is a vampire that's why he doesn't sleep. For whole night he sits beside Song Ji Yang and admires him. He also doesn't know that why he is admiring Song Ji Yang. But Wang Haoxuan is feeling relief.

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