Twenty Three

833 74 13


In Restaurant

Song Ji Yang saw Wang Haoxuan with a hot lady. Song Ji Yang starts playing with his fingers and he gets nervous.

Qi hold Wang Haoxuan's hand but Wang Haoxuan push her hand.

"There is nothing in between us. So, don't try to create any relationship. I am getting late for home.", Wang Haoxuan says to Qi and he comes towards Song Ji Yang.

Wang Haoxuan looks at Song Ji Yang. Song Ji Yang uplift his head and he looks at Wang Haoxuan.

"Let's go home.", Wang Haoxuan says.

Qi didn't understand because she doesn't know mermaids language. Wang Haoxuan hold Song Ji Yang's hand and he takes away Song Ji Yang in front of Qi.

Qi gets angry and she throws a flower vase on floor. Wang Haoxuan and Song Ji Yang heard the voice and they both stops.

Song Ji Yang gets afraid due to loud voice and he looks at Qi. Qi gives death glare to Song Ji Yang.

Wang Haoxuan comes in front of Song Ji Yang and he looks at Qi.

"If you will create any trouble in front of him then I will worse for you. Get away right now otherwise you know what I can do with you.", Wang Haoxuan says in anger.

Qi makes annoying face and she immediately left away. Song Ji Yang didn't know what Wang Haoxuan said but he was confirmed that Wang Haoxuan was too angry on that lady.

Wang Haoxuan turns towards Song Ji Yang and he hold his hand . After that they both comes in dining table. A-Qing gets up from her seat and they all left the restaurant.

While driving the car Wang Haoxuan was looking at Song Ji Yang with the front mirror of Car. Song Ji Yang was blushing and he was looking out all the time. He was sure that Wang Haoxuan is looking at him.


Now seven months passed. A-Qing and Song Ji Yang still live with Wang Yibo in Xiao Zhan's mansion. They both are happy to live with Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan.

Wang Yibo's belly also gets fatty and most of the time he bothers Xiao Zhan due to his mood swings.

Xiao Zhan is afraid of Wang Yibo and he tries not to do any mistake otherwise Wang Yibo will scold him. Xiao Zhan is too caring for Wang Yibo these months. He always takes care of Wang Yibo.

Always Xiao Zhan tries to come home early so he can meet Wang Yibo and his unborn baby. Xiao Zhan can feel the aura of his unborn baby in Wang Yibo's tummy.

Liu Haikuan also lives in Xiao Zhan's mansion because Xiao Zhan has given him the duty to check Wang Yibo time to time. There are lots of chances of miscarriage so Wang Yibo need health protection every time.

All the time Wang Yibo feels dizziness and he spent his two third time inside the swimming pool and pond. Due to it Xiao Zhan also need to sleep with Wang Yibo inside water but he never feels that he is getting bothered. Even Xiao Zhan enjoyed these months because he knows that Wang Yibo won't be able to get pregnent again that's why he never wants to miss any chance in Wang Yibo's pregnancy.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo doesn't live in Xiao Zhan's room. They live in the special room which has big pond and a waterfall. During night sometimes Xiao Zhan sleeps on bed and sometimes he sleeps with Wang Yibo inside the pond.

Wang Haoxuan tired to minimise his social distance with Song Ji Yang. He talks with him and there is lots of understanding between them.

Wang Haoxuan also apologized to Song Ji Yang for his past mistakes. Song Ji Yang took time of two months to forgive Wang Haoxuan. He was so introvert in front of Wang Haoxuan that's why he took lots of time.

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