chapter 1

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Yuzu is on her knees bowing with tears in her eyes addressing udagawa "I'm sorry boss I know this might cause you some trouble but I have something I absolutely need to tell Mei!"
Mei with her back turned on them and speaks in her cold monotone voice "Udagawa-san I have nothing to say to her she can just leave."
"I have kept my promise and said nothing to no one,yet your sister is here and just as I've respected your resolve I want to honor the determination she has shown here today. I will give you two a moment alone so won't you listen to what Aihara-san has to say?" Says udagawa in a calming voice.They walk out on to the balcony Mei standing by the railing look out on the view and Yuzu standing in front of the door closing it behind her and looking at Mei with sad eyes holding her ring close to her heart.


Mei: "Why are you here? Like I've said in the letter I've decided to cut ties with you. At this time Udagawa and I are proceeding with our betrothal. From now on do not meddle in my affairs." Yuzu is shocked she couldn't believe what she was hearing and at the same time hurting at the statement as tears build up in her eyes clenching her skirt she went to speak. "Do you remember writing in the notebook that you wanted me to be happy with everyone? That made me so glad but.....If I can't be happy with my beloved Mei then nothing else matters!. You're not alone Mei.We've got the boss and mama and papa, everyone is cheering us on. I want to be happy with everyone including you!" Mei clenched her fist and closed her eyes to prevent the tears spilling out as yuzu was talking she then shouts at her "QUIT making it sound so simple!! Me be happy with everyone you're always spouting such nonsense! There's no way I could..." Yuzu cut Mei off "YOU CAN! I know that things won't be easy. I've spent half a year worrying over it on my own. All my dreams were falling apart. Yet I finally realised how important it is to share my problems with everyone. I knew the chances I could be with you were slim, Mei. But... I refuse to give up!" Mei was shaking listening to yuzu still with her back to her clenching the ring and said "Just shut up already. No matter what you say my feelings wont change!" denying what she actually felt. "Go home! I hate you!"

Those three words broke Yuzu to the point of no return she put everything on the line for Mei, her dignity her heart and it was crumbling in front of her. She couldn't move, speak or even breathe she was being crushed by the pressure of a deep dark hole. With those three words in her mind on repeat she ran like there was no tomorrow, with no desire to stop and with no destination. She ran past everyone and everything with tears flowing down her face and her mind was blank. Matsuri saw her try to stop her but could not she was too fast. Matsuri clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as anger took her over as she knew that Mei threw Yuzu away again after everything she couldn't take it. She walked to where Mei was on the balcony turned her around and gripped her by the collar of her shirt with both hands with one fell swoop and shouted "What the fuck is wrong with you!! ALL YUZU EVER DID WAS LOVE YOU. EVEN AFTER SHE FREED YOUR ASS YOU STILL COULD NOT ACCEPT YOUR OWN TRUTH!"
"What do you mean she freed my ass?" Hurt and confused Mei asked.

Matsuri let go of Mei sigh and told her in a threatening voice,"You better stay the fuck away from Yuzu-chan you've hurt her for the last time." with that matsuri turned and left to go look for Yuzu.
Mei was shocked and shaken up but still managed to ask again,"What do you mean?!" No reply from Matsuri. Mei shouted "Matsuri!!"
Matsuri stopped and answered, "Ask your father." Mei stood there dumbfounded with the emotions coursing through her at the moment it was too much she fell to her knees and cried her heart out.

Yuzu on the other hand kept running no idea where she was or how far she had run. The pain was unbearable she needed a way to help ease it. She stopped running for a sec to collect her breath and to see where she was. She didn't call or text anyone that was the last thing or her mind at the moment, all that she could think and feel was Mei and the pain that cut into her soul. She spotted a convenience store where she could buy alcohol and the chasier was a young guy that kept staring at her. She thought to herself,

Maybe I can take advantage of him using this to get a bottle of tequila,

As she was still under age but she had a fake ID that Matsuri got her and with the guy checking her out why not try. She went in took the bottle of tequila and went to pay as she got to the counter the guy looked at her licking his lips and she just gave him her best smile. He rang up the goods and asked for her ID he looked at it and gave it back to her and asked "Cash or card?" She gave him her card paid for her tequila and left. Immediately she opened the bottle and took a mouthful as she proceeded to the train station to go home.

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