Chapter 8

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Yuzu pov

As I left the apartment to go meet up with Harumin I took my phone out of my pocket as it kept on vibrating during the conversation I had with my mom and them. So I figured that it has to be the group chat at the consistency of it vibrating and wondered what they were texting about. I checked and saw that it was about what occurred the past 24 hours and that they were worried about me and were pissed at Mei as well but also concerned about her too. Which is understandable as they are her friends as well but they will give her hell as not all of them will let her off the hook as easy as Himeko.
I also saw what Mats had said and wondered what she told Mei.~
I'll ask her later.~ I could also see that Haru was furious as well and hope that what I did was not adding to it.As I walked to the café it helped me clear my head.~

I wonder what she'll say? How she'll react to seeing me after that? I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, that she will forgive me. I meen it's Haru after all. I wonder what happened between her and Mei last night as well. I have a lot to tell her and all our friends and they will have a lot of questions naturally. I wonder what is going through Mei's mind right about now after I emptied the last bit of my heart and soul to her. Ugh why should I care!~

I shook my head in frustration at myself anger making its way through my body as I shouted "Stupid Mei!! Why do I still care?! Why are you still on my dam mind?! Damit!! Why'd you kiss me!!!" Tears threatening to fall down my face. It took everything I had to get a grip on myself not to break down as I was near the café.

No one's pov

Yuzu entered the café and saw Haru sitting at a booth in the back as to where there was more privacy for them to talk. Harumin figured that Yuzu would definitely talk about Mei and what transpired and half of her hoped she was to drunk to remember the kiss and the other half wanted her to. She was conflicted but whatever was going to happen next with their conversation will help her decide. Yuzu sat down across from Harumin and did not greet her with a hug as they normally do. She was feeling awkward at the moment around her and did not know how to act and only said "Hey haru." with her hand scratching the back of her neck as she was nervous to say the least. Harumin picked up on her behaviour and the tension between them and instantly knew that she remembered. Thus is why she is this nervous and awkward towards her. This is her best friend she knew her better than anybody else even though she does hide things from her she can still tell when something is wrong with the blonde. She sighs and leans back in her seat "Yo Yuzuchi what's up? Geusing from your behaviour you remember that you kissed and groped me?" An blush crept up onto Yuzu face showing her embarassment and although Harumin was calm and collected she still also had a pink shade to her cheeks as the memory went through her mind. Silence fell between them and the tension grew as Yuzu couldn't find her words. Luckily the waiter came to take their order and that lightened the mood a bit. They both order a soda the waiter left and they were left in silence again. After a second or so Yuzu got her courage and voice back "Ya I remember and I'm so so sorry Haru. I was hurting.....No I am hurting not that, that is an excuse. I was trying to numb the pain to fill the void and me being drunk didn't help maters must. You being you and us being so close I crossed a line that I shouldn't have crossed, although I love you it's only as a friend." She watched her best friend anxious with a guilty expression and tint of hurt in her eyes. She saw the soft expression of Haru's face as well as a bit of disappointment in her eyes for what she did not quite know and thought~

Was she disappointed in the kiss or the fact that I said I only see her as a friend?~

Brought back to reality when Haru spoke with an understanding tone to her voice with no hint of anger "It's fine Yuzuchi I forgive you. I know that you were not yourself. I won't hold it against you our friendship is much stronger than that and means more to me than to let this come between us. It actually helped me figure out and accept something about myself so you helped me in a way. So thanks." She smiled at her and at that moment Yuzu's body relaxed and she leaned back into her seat as their drinks arrived as well. She smiled her signature smile at her with relief and happiness in her voice said, "Thanks Haru I'm so glad you're my best friend. I don't know what I'll do without by my side. Your the best." Taking a sip from her soda and letting out a deep breath to show her relief but knows she still needs to tell her the truth about her identity and wanted to know if she confronted Mei and she was anxious again. Harumin saw her expression change and took a sip from her own drink and asked her "What is it Yuzuchi something is still bothering you. You can tell mama Haru anything I'm here for you. I won't judge." With that Yuzu felt at ease she knew that her friend will never judge her and always has her back no matter what. She can tell her without fear of her treating her differently "I have something to get of my chest and I was always planning on telling you as I was going to when we graduated but things have changed and I have to tell everyone now because of it and I want to tell you first before the others. This might shock you and you will have questions which I will answer and once I've told you I'll text the others to come so that I can tell them or well we can tell them. Once they are here I will tell all of you what Mei said as well. I want to know what happened between you and Mei last night too?" Harumin nodded "Okay Yuzuchi mama Haru is listening and to answer your other question we didn't have many words between us. It was more of a glaring death contest as she saw what you did and I was beyond angry with her for your state you were in. My concern was on you and not to choke her." "I see." Was all that Yuzu could muster for causing so much ruckus and that Mei knew.


Sorry for the short chapter just thought that was the best place to end it for now and thanks for the support. Sorry for any grammer mistakes 🙂🤗

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