Chapter 7

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Harumin pov

On my way home from Yuzuchi I phoned my sister to tell her I'm on my way home and that I'm sorry if I worried her and grandma and I'll explain once I'm home. While walking home my thoughts consumed me~

I should probably let the others know what's happened with Yuzuchi. Best would be a text on the group chat but I should keep 'that' between me and Yuzuchi. The nightmare I should keep to myself as well. Yuzuchi doesn't need more to feel bad or embarrassed about than she already has. I can't believe that, that ice cold bitch of a prez could do this to her. Doesn't she love Yuzuchi? Hell anybody would give their left foot for someone who will sacrifice any and everything to be with them, to be loved that deeply and unconditionally. What will this do to her when she wears her heart on her sleeve after all?~

I was brought back to earth when I got into the train, 15 minutes later I was home. "I'm home." I shout entering taking my shoes off. Mitsuko greeted "Welcome home." I went to sit on the couch and take a load off before I could even say something my sis bombarded me with questions "So what happened? What state was she in when you found her? Why did you need to stay over?" I waved my hands and shook my head "Jeez sis chill, as far as I can tell Mei pushed her away yet again. Yuzuchi was drunk and thought to take a swim at school was a good idea. So ya she is heartbroken. I stayed because her mom insisted and I didn't want to leave her alone with Mei." I sighed and she held her chin in confusion, concern and inquisitiveness on why Mei would've done what she did as she and Mei has similar personalities. I told her that "All I know is that this broke Yuzuchi the question is how much? I don't know what Mei's reson is and I don't want to and so help me she needs to stay away from her if she knows what's good for her. She was still sleeping when I left, I told her mom to tell her to call me when she's awake so I'll keep you informed. Wait you know what I should add you on the group chat it would be easier that way." Mitsuko nodded and said "Thanks I'd appreciate that it would make things easier and we are all friends and support each other."

"I'll do it just now after I text the others an update as you know the story." Harumin said and went to text the others


Harumin: Yo Yuzuchi is safe and sound at home got her at the school she was drunk and went for a swim😂...😤🤬😡 All because Mei pushed her away. I don't know what happened exactly and what Mei's reson was. All I know is Yuzuchi is heartbroken and I haven't heard from her yet she is probably still sleeping.

Matsuri: Good to hear she is safe and I can understand why she would be drunk. The state she was in last night when she ran of you guys should've seen it....😡🤬😡🤬 I gave Mei a peace of my mind and had a few choice words with the bitch as far as I can tell she did not believe Yuzu-onee-chan.

Himeko: I don't know what's going through MeiMei's mind. Why she would do this and why she would not believe her.🤨🤔 We need to talk to her and find out. I'm glad Aihara is safe and disappointed that Mei hurt her like this again she deserves better but I think that Mei is also hurting right now because of this.

Harumin: 😡 you can talk to that bitch I will not... She hurt my best friend I only want to strangle her.

Matsuri: ya no I'm with senpai on this 😡

Suzuran: we all need to calm down and get both sides of the story but I can understand your frustration as you're closest to Yuzupon so leave Mei to Himeko and I. We all are friends and Mei is probably hurting too like Himeko said and needs support and comfort as well as Yuzupon. My concern is how this will change Yuzupon😢🤔😟

Nene: I'm with suzuran. Yuzu-senpai is a kind soul and put others before herself and President made her happy even though I still ship haruyuzu I know that much.

Maruta: we need to be there for each other and for them both, for now its best if Harumin and Matsuri stay with Yuzu and Himeko and suzuran with Mei and me,Nene and Mitsuko be impartial and support everyone.

Harumin: 👍. oh ya speaking of which I'll add her after this convo

Matsuri: fine with me

Suzuran: no problem

Himeko: that's the best option for now

Maruta: good to know👍🙂


Sighing I added Mitsuko to the group chat and told her "Okay your added and the others are confused,  angry, and concerned it's a whole lot of mixed emotions for all of us I guess."

"That would be understandable as our relationship with each of them are different, so our views will be different as well as our feelings." Mitsuko answered me I nodded with frustration as she has a point but that doesn't change the fact that my best friend got hurt. I stood up and told my sis I'm going to take a shower. I got in and relaxed as soon as the warm water hit my body my mind drifted off~

Is this what love is? Why does this have to be apart of it? If so why do people want it? crave it? I don't get it all. If it's so good why does it have to hurt?~

I finished showering. I got dressed and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling contemplating everything, 10 minutes later I got a call from Yuzuchi saying she wants to meet up in an hour at the café to talk. I told her I'll see her there, as I waited for the time to pass my mind worked over time~

I know that I feel something deeper than just friendship for her and never acted to find out as she clearly was occupied but now with everything that has happened especially last night..... maybe?..... maybe?.......but do I really like girls? I can't deny that I'm attracted to her and last night's kiss confirmed that. She is also not the only one. I also have underlying feelings towards Matsuri but which one is stronger and is it love? So I must be into girls as I've never been so confused or conflicted over a guy. What am I going to say to Yuzuchi? Do I use this to help her and myself to sort through our emotions? What would my family say?~

With that I got up and told my sis that I'm going to meet up with Yuzuchi at the café and left.

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