Chapter 10

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No one's pov

Everyone except for Harumin,Mats and Maruta was shocked almost like their brains had short circuited from the news. Harumin was confused and little taken aback that Mats and Maruta were related to Yuzu. Some felt a little betrayed and were angry as to why they pretend not to be family around them. With this it became quiet at the table. Everyone takes a minute to comprehend what was said. Maruta feels anxious as to what Mitsuko will say as she can clearly see the hint of anger in her girlfriend's eyes. Finally grasping the situation Harumin broke the silence. "Why did you pretend that you're not family and what are their identities?" "We pretended because I asked them to, as to not complicate things or to make it easy for people to put two and two together to who we are. As for Maruta I didn't remember the name of the academy she attended. So when I saw her that first day I was surprised but we both knew we had to act like we didn't know one another and let them tell you who they are." Yuzu answered looking at her friends seeing that some are upset. Mitsuko with anger in her voice and on her face asked. "Why didn't she tell me her true identity I'm her girlfriend after all? Does that not mean something?" Maruta answered her while looking her in the eyes with sincerity in her voice and a sad expression to her girlfriend's reaction. "I..... I.... You were the only one that was going to know after next weekend before graduation as both my parents are in town then and I wanted to introduce you to them Micchan. That's how serious I'm about you and I didn't tell you sooner because your family has for a long time tried doing business with us and I feared that they'll use you to such ends." With that all of them were stunned to know that Mitsuko would've been the only one to know before graduation and about the business part as well. Himeko intervened. "Why would she be the only one and why only tell us after graduation? Why are your grades so bad that MeiMei had to help you if you're smarter than us all? Huffing waiting for her answer. "Because my cousin is serious about her and she can be impartial and trustworthy to keep it from you as well as her sister. We were only going to tell you after graduation cause that's when I was supposed to take over and to protect all of you. If people knew you were close to us they would use you for ransom before we could get things in place to secure your safety. Also the Taniguchi family isn't the only family here that has been trying to do business with us all your family's have. Being part of the Aihara group except Nene's family as for Suzuran's family they want to learn our martial arts training methods." Yuzu answered in a cold and stern tone while having a blank expression. Mitsuko is still blushing to Maruta's reply forgetting why she was mad and asked. "You want me to meet your parents and if you were going to tell me then does that mean things are only then in place to secure our protection?" "Yes and yes our head of security will finalize everything this coming week with the collaboration of Suzuran's family company." Maruta answered with a blush of her own as Suzuran went to ask. "So that is the big business deal that we settled the contract for last week and are preparing to get started on Monday? Since I'm now head of the family due to this contract without the need to get married. I was informed that we were trying to get your training methods to improve the safety services we provide. So what changed your family's mind to proceed?" Everyone is paying close attention, interest peaking in their eyes to know the answer as Himeko added. "That's a good question and why didn't we know our families have been trying to do business with yours and why haven't you accepted?" Matsuri sighed and answered with a blank expression and stoic tone. "Yes that's the contract your family signed. Yes you are the head of the company now due to the clause stated in it as per Yuzu-chan request as she wanted to set you free to live your life your way as your happiness matters to her because you're her friend. That is one reason. The other being that we need your security services combined with our own to keep the rest of you safe. To answer your questions eyebrow-chan you don't know this cause your family's are only going to inform you this year due to your graduation and arranged marriages to take over as heir. The second question we Okogi's have a very important and highly regarded condition when it comes to doing business. That is why our grandfather has not accepted and if I'm correct in assuming that will change soon Yuzu-chan?" Everyone looking at Yuzu with wide eyes wondering what Matsuri meant and Suzuran with tears build up in her eyes interject before she could answer. "Yuzupon is it true what she said that you set me free? How can I repay your kindness to put others before yourself? To help even though you don't know them that long. You truly are a kind soul." Himeko went to comfort her as Yuzu blush at the complement hiding her embarrassment answered. "Yes what Mats said is true and you don't have to repay me you being happy is payment enough. I mean what are friends for." Giving her signature smile at her friend and continued. "Yes Mats you're right in assuming that, which the rest of you will come to learn soon and that's all I'm going to say regards to that and on that note I think it's time that you answered Haru's second question." "I was just going to ask when you are going to answer me?" Harumin asked slightly annoyed looking at Matsuri and Maruta. "I guess I will go first?" Maruta asked and everyone nodded and continued. "Okay my name is Maruta Kayo daughter of the second child of Kiro Okogi. I'm known to the world as Mari Okogi. I graduated from college at the age of 15 with a masters degree in maths, business and law. I know martial arts as well as a requirement to protect myself." Everyone takes in the information not much to take them by surprise as they are expecting thus much at this point. With them being silent Matsuri took that as her queue to go ahead. "I'm Matsuri Mizusawa the adopted daughter of the fourth child of Kiro Okogi. The world knows me as Mika Okogi. I graduated college at the age of 15 with a masters degree in maths, science and I.T and I know martial arts as well." Smirking at them waiting for them to answer. "So the brat is actually a smart asse." Harumin retorted making everyone laugh and Matsuri pout. "Wow who would've guessed that you're actually very important people in the rich and famous world and we are friends." Nene said with amusement in her eyes and a happy expression. "Does that mean that Maruta-san is a lawyer and where is your other cousin?" Himeko asks "Yes I'm a lawyer and she is overseas but will most probably be back and attend the academy soon when she finds out that Yuzu is taking over starting Monday." Maruta states casually. Mitsuko asked concern on her face and curiosity in her eyes. "How will Suzuran's security help protect us all from whatever threat there might be and if you're telling us this now does that mean you're not going to graduate anymore? Does Mei know all this if not when are you going to tell her?" Everyone's attention is on Yuzu for her to answer. "Yes I told Mei and papa before I came here. You all including us have a microbot in our blood stream that gives off our location at all times. Suzurapon security companies will help keep track of that along with people to keep a close eye on everyone during the day and if need be bodyguards. I will still be finishing school." All of them nodded in understanding but Harumin was still bugged by something. "How do we all have a microbot in our blood streams?" With a furrowed brow she asked and Yuzu answered her a bit nervously scratching the back of her neck. "Uhm...... well you see we kinda slipped them in your drinks sometime or another." She gives them a small smile. All of them in unison. "WHAT?!" "It was for your own protection and we don't want any of you to get hurt because of us. So please forgive us for not telling you everything and don't be mad." Yuzu defended them and asked for forgiveness. Harumin and Nene were the first to forgive them. Himeko and Mitsuko eventually did as well as they understood their reasoning and Suzuran said. "I have no reason not to forgive you as you only ever have been kind to me and I speak for all of us when I say we're glad to be your friends." All three of them were relieved to hear that their friends forgave them and can continue to count on them for support. They all joined in on a group hug and continued to talk amongst themselves till they said "Good bye." and went home.

Yuzu's pov

It was late, 6:00 pm to be exact we greeted and I said to my cousins. "So I will see you Monday as we have some business to discuss with grandfather regarding the Aihara group in hopes of proceeding with my plan so that Maruta can marry Mitsuko if that's what they want but be prepared as I will not hold back as you know not even for them. I will not put my family through unnecessary grief and if this will help our friends as well I will do whatever it takes to ensure all our happiness!" They both nodded in agreement unfazed by my behaviour as they knew this side of me and left. I continued my way home as I got there it was 6:40 pm all the lights were off guessing mama and papa went out. I went to my room got ready for bed and plopped on it with a big sigh of relief to how everything turned out as my body relaxed. In those few moments the stress of telling everyone and how they would react faded. My mind was haunted yet again as there was nothing else to distract it at this point and my tears threatened to fall. Trying to sleep instead but failing big time. I grabbed my earphones and played my playlists on my phone and listened to the first song.

Letting go of my emotions as tears fell down my cheeks taking in the pain an Idee of a song popped up in my head. I stood up and went to the desk and figured if I wrote it down it would help and maybe I can get some sleep.

You took my heart
You destroyed my soul
Now I'm falling apart
Now I'm falling apart

I gave you my heart
You saw my true self
Broken beaten shattered
Broken beaten shattered
In a million pieces I am
Regretting every decision I made

Tears falling on the page of the notebook as they're streaming down my face as I continue to write

Letting my walls down
Letting my walls down
When it came to you
To you
To you
Those three words with so much power
With the slip of the tongue all can begone

Memories made
Memories lived
Replaying all around in my head
God take them away
Please take those times away
Hurting far beyond the breaking point
Of fantasies never lived
Never leaving always stuck in my head
God take them away

I held your hand Glued you back together
After life has fucked you up on the inside
Fucked you up on the inside
We should've broken this toxicity years ago
Years ago
Years ago
Broken beaten shattered

Finished writing the song the next song played from the playlist.

I stood up climbed back into my bed continued to listen as I cried myself to sleep eventually.

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