Chapter 11

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Mei's pov

After Yuzu walked out the door I was a complete mess. I fully broke down in front of my parents not caring as it was hurting too much to bear. Not only that I couldn't even muster up the strength to plead my case in hopes of getting her back. I felt utterly helpless and decreased at my own cowardice. My parents at my side are comforting me trying to reassure me with their words of wisdom that I shouldn't give up and give her some time she will come around but will she, now that she is becoming the heir to her family and after those last words she spoke I'm not sure. I could only see pain in those beautiful emerald eyes of hers. I will not let this stop me. She is the love of my life and she hasn't given up on me even after countless times that I've pushed her away. She just kept coming back fighting harder like a cockroach never dying. It's my turn to show her that I won't give up on us, on her and just how much I love her. I need to prove that to her and earn her trust back and I need to start by apologising and tell her how wrong I was. After calming down, drinking tea and discussing some things with my parents on whether or not I should be moving in tomorrow or rather on Monday to give Yuzu the space she needs at the moment to calm down. We decided to make it Monday and to go out for dinner. As we walked to the restaurant we passed by the café and saw Yuzu with all our friends and what looked like a serious conversation.

They most probably are talking about me. I'm guessing I'll get an earful from Hime and sour looks from the others

Sighing as mother brought me out of my thoughts when she said we're here. After a lovely dinner I went back to my grandfather's house took a bath and got ready for bed. As I lay in bed I couldn't sleep. My mind was constantly working through today's events and with only thinking about how to apologise to her. I had cried so much today that no matter how much I still wanted to there was no tears. I miss her warmth next to me. I miss her! I'm so stupid now I know and understand that saying you don't know how good you got it until it's gone. Eventually sleep took me over at the thought of what tomorrow might entail.

No one's pov

The next morning Yuzu woke up with red puffy eyes and the songs on her playlist kept playing through the night as she felt asleep to the music comforting her. She looked at the time 8:00 am. She got up changed into comfortable casual clothes as she was going to be packing today after all. She went to get some toast for breakfast when she saw her mother in the kitchen. "Good morning mama is papa still a sleep?" "Morning bub did you sleep okay and Sho is still sleeping." Ume answered while making tea. "Ah ya I slept fine." Yuzu answered hiding behind her fake smile. "So did you tell Harumin everything yesterday and are you going to start packing after breakfast?" Ume asked with curiosity and to not press the other subject too much as she knows her daughter will come to her when she's ready. "Yes I told her and everyone else, so they're up to speed. They were upset in the beginning but understood at the end and forgave us. I also told them what happened with Mei. Mats and Haru aren't to happy with her and Himeko most probably will contact her today. The others are neutral to keep the peace and balance the scales but I told them not to hold it against her as we are all friends and we need one another and to be there for her just as much as they are for me and yes I'll be packing after breakfast." Yuzu answered while making her toast and drinking the tea her mom made her. "I'm glad to hear it bub as you both need your friends and to hear even though your hurting your still yourself and love her still." Ume answered with mixed emotions of pride and sympathy as to have a kind and caring daughter that is hurting because of that big heart of hers. "It's because I love her so and probably always will that I'm hurting so.....but I will not forgive her so easily no matter how much I yern for her as she didn't believe nor fight for us. If this is really what she wants I need to see proof of that." With a straight face and no emotion behind her eyes and in her voice she told her mother how she feels and finished her toast and went to pack leaving her mom at the table. "Just tell me if you need anything I'm here for you bub." Ume responded and let daughter be.

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