Chapter 2

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No one's pov

Udagawa was confused as to what was happening and why Yuzu left running and crying and why Matsuri was upset? He walked towards Matsuri and asked her "What's going on?" She told him everything then and there. He was lost for words his eyes widened as he spoke "So the rings Yuzu worked so hard to buy the ones I encouraged her was for Mei, Mei is the one she loves." This shocked him even more and guilt started to take over as he admired the blondes determination and the fact that she has the will and resolve to live her life the way she wants damned be anyone who stands in her way or what they might think. With the realisation of this new information he just received all started to make sense regarding Mei's request to not tell Yuzu and everything fell into place. The Mei behaviour and why she is always clenching her shirt by her chest. The sudden push to get the wedding over with as well as his own personal feelings. He didn't want this. He only did this for his family but seeing as how family obligations can destroy ones happiness so easily it's not worth it and that's not what family is supposed to be like. He wants to be happy and to live without regret like the blonde does.With realising this in he's own thoughts he snapped out of it and asked Matsuri "Is Yuzu okay?" Matsuri answered him with worry in her eyes and in her voice "I don't know. I don't know where she is." Udagawa went to say "Please keep me informed when you find her I need to talk to Mei." Matsuri just nodded as Udagawa walked away towards Mei highly upset.

Matsuri went outside to where Mitsuko and Maruta were standing by their motorcycles and asked if they had seen Yuzu as she ran out crying. Both of them shook their heads and said "No." They asked Matsuri "So guessing it didn't go well." Matsuri answered "No. Mei pushed her away yet again. She can't admit the truth. Who knows what state Yuzu is in? I'm worried, we need to find her." "Agreed!" both said in unison with shock and disbelief as to why Mei did what she did. Matsuri quickly video called Harumin to inform her about the situation.

Ring ~Ring ~ Ring ~

Harumin: "Hey what's up?"

Matsuri: "Mei rejected Yuzu and we can't find her is everybody still with you?"

everybody screamed in unison answering Matsuri question.

Himeko: "What is she thinking?"

Nene: "Poor yuzu-senpai"

Suzuran:"Why? after everything..."

Harumin: "That bitch!!"

Matsuri:"I could not agree more but we don't have time. We need to find Yuzu. I know you all have questions and want answers which we can only get from Yuzu or Mei and I prefer to get them from Yuzu as I gave Mei a peace of my mind and don't want to see her again or else..."

Himeko: "I need to get answers for this as it doesn't make sense. Why hurt Yuzu again after she can be with her finally but first we need to find Yuzu. Have you called her?"

Matsuri: "I have she's not answering."

Suzuran: "Maybe we should split up into pairs and head to the streets to the places she might go to."

Harumin: "Maybe we should call her mum first to find out if she's home and in the meantime Matsuri and them can start to look for her until we call back."

Mitsuko: "I couldn't agree more with my sister."

Matsuri: "Me too. So we all know the plan. Harumin will call aunty Ume and me, Mitsuko and Maruta will start looking for her on our way back."
-------------end of call----------

Everybody was in agreement Matsuri went with Mitsuko and Maruta to look for Yuzu and Harumin phoned Ume.

Ring ~ Ring ~ Ring

Ume: "Hi Harumin how did it go?"

Harumin: "Not well, very not well if your asking me as this confirms that Yuzu isn't home."

Ume: "No she hasn't returned yet. What does that mean? What's going on Harumin?!"

Harumin: "All we know is Yuzu ran off crying and nobody can find her and she's not answering her phone."

Ume: "Oh my baby girl.... I'll see if I can get a hold of her we should start looking."

Harumin: "Matsuri has started the rest of us will as well we will keep you informed."

Ume: "Okay thanks has anyone told Mei maybe she would know where she might be?"

Harumin: "No! Not one of us wants to talk to her at the moment."

Ume: "I see. I'll inform her and let you know what I find."

Harumin:"Okay and I will do the same baye Mrs Aihara."

Ume:"Baye dear."

--------end of call----------

With that the phone call ended and Harumin told the others that they should start looking for Yuzu. She phoned Matsuri to tell her as well. In the meantime Ume informed Sho about the situation and he was confused, angry, sad and worried all at the same time and can hear the worry in his wife's voice as well, all while thinking to himself,
Mei what are you doing? Why are you so afraid?

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