Chapter 9

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No one's pov

Yuzu took a deep breath and let it out to calm her nerves down as she knew Haru won't judge her but that doesn't mean she still isn't nervous about her friends reaction to the news she is about to hear "My true identity is.....*sigh* I'm Yu Okogi heiress to the Okogi family." She blabered out in one breath. Shock ridden Harumin with eyes as wide as planets with a high pitch voice and clenched fist replied "You mean to tell me that,.....that you are......are the Yu Okogi who graduated from college at the age of 14 with a masters degee in math, science and biology and is musical talented and  knows martial arts that your that Okogi." Yuzu just sat still clenching her soda and looked at her friend. She expected her to be mad a little more than just shocked "Yes that's me." She replied with her signature smile and peace sign and asked "Are you mad cause you don't look mad?"
Harumin let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. Took a sip of her soda and replied "I'm not mad at you Yuzuchi. You're my friend and I knew there was something other than your relationship with Mei that you have been keeping a secret from me. I figured you would tell me when you were ready to. I'm here for you, not to pressure you to reveal things that you aren't comfortable enough to talk about yet but when you do to listen and support you the best I can. After all I want you to be happy." Smiling at her she stood up to give the blonde a hug as she was sobbing due to her friend not being mad at her and still treating her the same way even after hearing who she is. Yuzu returned the embrace and quietly sob on her shoulder "Thanks...*sob*...your a ...*sob* true friend." She snickered through her tears. Harumin rubbed her back in a circular motion to comfort her "There, there Yuzuchi mama Haru has got you." After a few minutes she broke the embrace wiped away the tears with her thumb and said "Now then we should probably text everyone to come so you can tell them and we all want to know what Mei said." Looking at her friend she replied "Your right but there is more to tell in regards to my identity but it's best if you hear it from them. I will send a text on the group chat." Harumin nodded and Yuzu took her phone out to send the text.


Yuzu: Hey 🤗 guy's can you come to the café velvet so I can tell ya' everything.

Matsuri: Around the corner see in 5

Maruta: 👀 will be there in 10 minutes

Himeko: hey sure see soon

Nene: yay see soon

Mitsuko:🤔 No problem will be there

Suzuran: 🫥🧐 will be there

Text end-----

Yuzu placed her phone back into her pants pocket. Harumin just opened the chat so her phone won't keep pining and saw that everyone was on their way. She proceeded to put her phone away and talked with yuzu about fashion and the sale this one shop is having. After five minutes Matsuri was there she walked to them and greeted "What's up Yuzu-onee-chan and senpai."
"Yo Mats" Yuzu greeted and then Harumin "Hey brat how are you doing?"
Matsuri caught the waiter and placed her order for a slice of strawberry cheesecake and an ice tee took her seat and answered in her playful way "Awe senpai did you miss me and I'm good. Was on my way here cause I wanted a snack before I went home on my way from the arcade." "You wish brat" Harumin replied annoyed. Matsuri smirked at her and looked at Yuzu concerned "Yuzu-chan are you okay and did you tell her?" "I'm fine Mats and yes I told her but not about you and Maruta. I figured we can tell them all at once when they are here so as to make answering their questions easier." Yuzu answered with a sigh "Okay." Matsuri replied and the waiter arrived with her order. Yuzu and Harumin then order burger and fries and told her that more of their friends are coming and to wait for everyone before she takes their order. The waiter nodding in agreement left and Maruta showed up and they greeted each other and Yuzu told her what she told Matsuri. Twenty minutes later everyone was present and the waiter arrived with Harumin and Yuzu's order. The waiter took everyone else's order and walked off to complete it. The girls then started to talk and asked all their questions.

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