chapter 6

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Yuzu pov

I slowly opened my eyes groaning at the throbbing in my head.~ Jeez what happened last night.~ I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and rubbed my temples after. I looked around the room and saw a glass of water on my nightstand and aspirin with a note. I took the aspirin right away as my head was killing me, after I finished the glass of water I read the note.

for your hangover headache take a shower and we need to talk.
Love mom.

After reading the note Yuzu tried to put everything together in her head, trying to remember how she got home and wat exactly happened last night or well this morning. Yuzu stood up and went to the bathroom to shower while deep in thought oblivious to her surroundings.~

I remember drinking and Walking home and along the line I ended up at the school to swim.~

Busy getting her bath ready she stripped washed and got in the tub relaxing closing her eyes trying to remember the rest.


In the kitchen they just finished up cleaning the kitchen and heard the bedroom door open. Ume said "looks like Yuzu is awake it is one in the afternoon." She proceeded to prepare some tea. Mei then went to sit on the couch waiting for her tea and Yuzu to talk to her.

Back in the bathroom

Yuzu sighed as remembering proved to be difficult and she needed all the facts as to when she faces her mother as she knows she would get the scolding of her life. Shivering at the thought of her mother's anger she was back to her own thoughts.~
I Got in the school and went to the swimming pool stripped down but asse naked and dove in but what happened after. How did I end up back home?~
she then sat up holding her knees then suddenly it hit her as if a switch was pulled and the lights came on as the flashes of what happened played like a movie in front of her. Her eyes widened at the realisation of what she did to her best friend. She gasped "HARUMIN!?" With the shock she tried standing up way to fast cut her right hand with the tiles on the side of the bathtub slipping due to the pain and letting go of her grip failing back in the tub hitting the back of her head. She screamed in pain "F..U..C..K!!"



Everyone in the open plan kitchen and living room eyes widened and filled with worry as they heard the scream and the *thud* that came from the bathroom, without thinking twice about it Mei flew off the couch and headed to the bathroom. She opened the door and blushed as she saw Yuzu in the tub sitting rubbing the back of her head. Her other hand on the side clenching a wash cloth. Yuzu's eyes widened as she heard someone enter the bathroom and she saw the black haired beauty. While Mei was walking closer she saw that the cloth Yuzu was holding was full of blood. Her face grew with even more concern "Yuzu are you-" She was cut off "What the hell Mei?!What are you doing here?! Get the FUCK out!" Mei was hesitant and ignored the blonde and proceeded with her stern president demeanour that froze and sent shivers down Yuzu's spine every time "No!! I helped Harumin bring you home and Mother insisted that we sleep here. Now let me see your hand and what the fuck did you do?" With venom in her voice of concern for her sister she demanded. Yuzu on the other hand still pissed at her knew she had no choice as this is the first time she heard her sister curse and knew she was serious and the concern was genuine. Yuzu sighed and gave in "I stood up too fast, cut my hand and fell back and hit my head. Is Harumin still here?" She asked in a low guilty voice with her head down. Mei went to the cabinet to get the first aid kit and proceeded to clean and dress Yuzu's cut while answering her "No she left as she needed to go home." Silence filled the room as Yuzu did not want to talk to Mei any further than she had to. Still angry and hurt biting her lip to control her emotions. Mei on the other hand did not know what to say or where to start or if she even had the right to plead her case at the moment. When Mei finished bandaging the wound Yuzu thanked her as Mei put away the kit and left the bathroom and went to the living room. Yuzu got out and went to dry her hair wrapping a towel around her and went to her room to get dressed.

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