Chapter 13

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Mei's pov

The alarm went off at 6 Am searching for it to silence it still half a sleep finally turning it off. Sitting up yawning I stretched and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Getting up and getting dressed for school. Putting my papers in my bag thinking.~

Today is the day no backing out. This is the first step towards getting Yuzu back by facing our friends, apologising and explaining myself as I need their help.~

Proceeding to the dining room to eat her breakfast and head to school after. As usual Himeko waited for her on the way. While walking we discussed the game plan and she told me to just be honest with my feelings and give my side of the story and to be sincere they will see that I regret my decision and I'm trying to fix my mistake. We got to school doing our rounds for the student council dreading the fact that it was done and that the homeroom was about to start and I will see Yuzu. As I entered the class I immediately glanced in the direction where she was sitting. Making eye contact she without a second to spare turned and looked out the window. Feeling a sharp pain in my chest from her reaction I slumped to take my seat. The teacher arrived and the day began.

Yuzu's pov

The day can't go any faster I keep catching Mei now and then stealing glances. Didn't she get the memo the first time. Is she trying to make things more difficult for me than they already are. She made it clear that this isn't wat she wants and I don't know if she's still getting married or not. Frankly I'm not sure I want to know. I have enough on my plate and I don't think it would make a big difference as she already tore through my heart it's going to take a lot for me to believe she is serious about getting me back if she even wants me back. I just kept ignoring her and can't wait to get away to escape her. The bell rang for lunch finally, I ran as fast as I could out of class not caring if I'm being stared at and gossiped about. I ran so fast I was the first out leaving Harumin concerned and Mei dumbfounded at how fast I ran to get away. I ended up at the music room. Nobody else was here thank goodness. I ate my lunch after I was done I drew my attention to the piano itching to play to release some of this pent-up emotions. I started to play and sing.

Mei's Pov

Shit she ran so fast just to get away from me. I know I hurt her but that just..... maybe I'm making things difficult for her but I don't want her to think that I've given up and I'm just going to let her go. She needs to know I'm still here and I want to be part of her life. I want us to build a life together that we envisioned, to be happy together. I can't run after her now I need to go fix things with my friends and....... Only for now will I give her space. Right let's go climb the mountain in front of me. I headed to the student council room.

No one's pov

Sighing Mei entered with Himeko behind her. Harumin, Matsuri, Nene were there as well as Mitsuko, Maruta, Suzuran who took time off from work to be here. As we settled down and greeted everyone a tense silence filled the room you can cut it with a knife. Getting uncomfortable Mei took a breath as to gather her courage out of the air she's breathing in feeling everyone's gases on her waiting in anticipation for her to state her case. Looking in front of her she starts to address her friends with her stoic president demeanor. "Look I know some of you are mad at me and some concern and confused and not quite sure were to stand in this situation but knowing Yuzu, she probably asked that you not forsake me and give me a chance to explain myself which is one of the reasons I love her and am grateful for. Her kind and caring nature has had an impact on all of us but we are not here to talk about that. First of all I want to apologise for not believing that you would accept us and our relationship even support it and partly due to this I hurt the person I love most in this world. It's no excuse I know that all I can do is clarify and give my side of this and do my utmost to correct my mistake." Everyone looking at Mei taking in what she said Matsuri and Harumin were enraged. Mitsuko more or less understanding as they are from the same cloth. Maruta, Suzuran and Nene are neutral trying to put together the pieces and Himeko there for support as she already resolved this issue with Mei. Matsuri is the first to speak venom clear in her voice along the death glare. "I said most of what I wanted that night but I want to know why exactly. Why did you fucking choose to not believe?! Why did you do what you did?!" Accepting Matsuri's right to be angry at her and knowing that Harumin feels the same way and all of them want to know she braced herself and decided to let her guard down. Showing her vulnerability to her friends embracing more of the change that Yuzu caused knowing that this is necessary. Softening her expression a gentle tone to her voice she answered. "Matsuri remember Christmas on the train I told you that we are in some ways the same. We struggle with acceptance of emotions. We see it as a weakness so we close ourselves off from it."
"I remember but Yuzu is different.... She's just different and after she showed you that you..... I need more than to forgive you!" Matsuri responded still angry. Harumin also angry butted in. "I'm with the brat you need to explain the rest to give more than just that answer for us to fully understand!"
"Give her the benefit of the doubt. Give her the chance to finish. We know your mad because of Yuzu but not listening won't solve a thing." Mitsuko gave a stern look to her sister as she spoke. Maruta with a calm tone to her voice. " I agree. I know you hurt my cousin and I'm not happy about that but I'm willing to listen." Nene with her usual expression and tone. " Yuzu is the kind of person who will give anyone the chance to explain themselves." "I agree. She doesn't discriminate and always sees the best side of things." Suzaran committed and Himeko with assurance in her tone and expression. "Meimei please continue and help them understand." Nodding Mei continued to tell her side of things. "I know she is different that's why I fell in love with her in the first place  but I was scared. To clarify my mom and dad got divorced when I was little my mother was not making any effort to keep in touch she abandoned me. That had an effect on me but not much as I was happy with my dad but five years ago he decided to leave the pressure and responsibilities of being an Aihara behind for his happiness which I didn't understand at that time. He asked me to go with him but I didn't, thinking it was my duty to protect his place when he returns. With this I became lonely isolating myself from others and my emotions. Struggling with the pressure of the Aihara name and responsibilities with my grandfather being stern and always working not having much of a childhood, learning all the things to be the heir. All of you here know that, that Intel's an arranged marriage which rarely you can get out of so you all understand what that's like. Then having your fiancee force himself on you with you doing what is expected of you. Luckily Yuzu exposed him before things got out of hand but this only made me barricade my heart more. It was only Yuzu who could see through it all and break down my walls time and time again no matter how many times I pushed her away." All of them conflicted showing signs of sympathy to what they just heard. Mitsuko speaking for all of them. "Mei sorry that must have been tough going through that alone carrying that burden with only Himeko by your side. We can only understand the part of the responsibilities of your family weighing on your shoulders as we have that too but the rest of it ..... Sorry is all we can say." Tears building up in her eyes she swallows the lump in her throat her voice cracking. "Thank you but now you know the bases and that will help you to understand the reason for my decision at that time.I have been stubborn in my own ideology of what needs to be done for me to inherit the academy after I decided it's what I wanted for myself and not for my father. Still stuck in acceptance of suffering of my own making a coward scared to defy the status quo and going along with my grandfather like my life has no meaning just to inherit the academy. That happiness is not meant for someone like me as it was taken at every turn thus why when it stared me straight in the face I was scared and couldn't accept it. I Believed it to be only a temporary thing thus why I chose to do what I did in order for Yuzu to be happy but I only ended up hurting us both not having faith in us. I......" *sob* The tears fell down her face she couldn't keep it in any more "I'm *sob* so—sorry" Himeko immediately at her side comforting her. Suzaran and Nene stood up and joined Himeko to comfort her. "I'm an idiot as all I had to do was grab it. Only after receiving clarity from my father did I believe her and now it might be too late. I might lose the love of my life due to this." *Sob*
Mitsuko stood up and approached her with a sympathetic look. "Oh Mei don't give up we will help you as much as we can right." Everyone except for Harumin and Matsuri answered at the same time. "Right!" Mitsuko seing them not responding glared at them. "Right?" Sighing Harumin spoke. "Look I get were your coming from and understand your reasoning and for not believing in people. Yes you are a huge fucking idiot and that's saying something. As for Yuzu she's hurting badly because of what you did but I do know that she's still madly in love with you so you still have a chance and she won't be happy if I keep it against you. Helping you get her back you'll have to show your not going to run away and if it's best for Yuzu. Only then will I help."
"I know my cousin and that will be a difficult task to accomplish. I won't hold what you did against you as Harumin said it's not what Yuzu would want, that's the only reason I'll forgive you but I'm still abit mad. As for helping I will only offer advice on the matter nothing more until I see that you are serious about this." Matsuri gave her answer to Mei and Mitsuko who was glaring at her. Mei wiped her face looking at them with a cracked voice responded. "Thank you and I get why your hesitant and understand it fully. I will prove myself by fighting for this, for us." With that everyone enveloped each other in a group hug until Mei had enough. Relief settling in that the issue was resolved and happy that her friends forgave her and offered to help. Returning to class after lunch with puffy eyes Mei saw Yuzu already back at her desk looking out the window. Harumin immediately went to her seat next to her and asked her if she enjoyed her nap which Yuzu responded with a nod. Mei took her seat and didn't take chances this time to look at Yuzu due to her storming out at lunch time. As the day near its end Yuzu quickly went to get in the car to get home not going out after school with Harumin as she wasn't feeling up to it. Mei went home after her duties were done exhausted after today's events and knowing she still has to unpack when she gets home and that Yuzu won't be there.


I apologize for any grammar and spelling mistakes I finished this chapter quite late and I'm tired. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks  a bunch 1k views and the 9th place in the ranks you guys are the best.

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