chapter 3

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No one's pov

It's 1:00 am and Yuzu finally made her way to the train station. A long the way she finished the first bottle of tequila she bought and managed to buy another one. On the train she starts to drink the second one without a care in the world. The only thing consuming her was pain and the unknown answer 'Why?', Why Mei? WHY? Taking over her thoughts~

Is it me? Was I never good enough for you? Why did you string me along all those months? Did you really need to gratify yourself so bad that you did not care for my feelings. Was I nothing but a play thing to you? I thought you'd changed? You showed me sides of yourself that one else sees. I thought you loved me?~

She sighs and takes another sip of tequila as she snaps out of her thoughts by the train stopping. She gets off and stares into the unknown with her dull emerald green eyes. Pupils dilated due to her drunken state wondering where she should go and it hits her ~No one will look for me at the school.~She arrived at the school climbed over the wall and headed for the swimming pool. Once she got there she thought ~ A swim would help clear her head.~ Luckily it's Saturday so nobody will bother her. She can be alone and drown her sorrows. She takes another sip of the liquid haven that is keeping the pain at bay then puts it down and strips herself naked. ~Fuck it! Who cares?~ she though and dives in.

In the meantime

Ume phoned Mei to inform her about the situation as Sho is too upset at the moment at his daughter and not the best bet to talk to her. Not that Ume isn't. She just can be complacent and her priority now is to find Yuzu and then address Mei to find out how she feels and why she hurt Yuzu as she is both of their mother and loves both of them. She wants to support both of them and be there for them and doesn't want this to tear their family apart. She went through her phone contacts and called Mei. She got Mei a phone as a present to keep in touch with here when she heard about the wedding before Yuzu told them what had been happening with her and Mei.

Back at Udagawa's place Mei walked back into the room where she was sitting with udagawa before Yuzu stormed in still crying trying to process everything that has occurred as well as her emotions. Udagawa walked in disappointed, angry and guilty as he had a hand in breaking the most kind hearted person he knows'es heart. He looked at Mei where she was at the table still crying and went to comfort her and said,"Mei why?... Why did you still chase her away knowing full well that you feel the same way? Why did you not tell me that you two were more than stepsisters? And why... Why for the love of all that is Holly do nothing about it?! After she risked everything for you? Are you that self-indulgent or just plain stupid?!!
Do you know how many people search for such love never to find it?!" Mei's eyes went wide as Udagawa spoken words sinks in adding to her rage. She did not need this. She knew what she has done. He has no understanding of the situation. Who is he to lecture her on the matter? without thinking she snapped at him. "It's none of your business this is between me and Yuzu and my decision is my own!!" Udagawa stood up clenching his fists looking her straight in the eyes only seeing hurt he spoke. "YOUR WRONG!! YOUR DECISION WAS NOT YOUR OWN. YOU MADE IT OUT OF OBLIGATION TO YOUR FAMILY, TO YOUR FEAR OF YOUR GRANDFATHERS DISAPPOINTMENT WITHOUT FULLY GRASPING THE SITUATION!! Your arrogance stood in your way. If your grandfather loved you he would've understood and would've wanted nothing but happiness for you. With that said I'm cancelling the wedding as I too have learnt something from Yuzu." Mei stood there eyes still wide dumbfounded in her own thoughts.~

He is right. Did I not fully grasp the situation? Am I really going to let my happiness suffer due to my own pride? If my grandfather did love me he Wouldn't let me go through this? Money isn't everything! What do I want?~

She came to when she heard him say that he is cancelling the wedding, about to say something when her phone went of...

Ring ~ Ring ~ Ring

She looked and saw it was her mother. She thought there must be something wrong as she did not believe Yuzu when she said that their family was behind them, then it hit her.~

Do they know about her and Yuzu? Do they accept them? ~ She answered.

Mei: "Hello mother."

Ume: "Hi Mei-" with this Mei knew something was a miss as Ume always greeted her with a honey or a sweety. "Yuzu is missing...."

shocked, worried and scared Mei answered,"Wh-What do you mean she's missing?!"

Ume: "No one can find her after she left you at Udagawa's place. Which regarding that, your father and I will talk to you at a later time. Right now we need to find Yuzu. Do you know where she could be?"

Mei: "Mother .... I .. I...oaky I understand. I will await the date and time you want to talk as for Yuzu I...Dont know." Then Udagawa's house phone rings, he answers it's the school the alarm went off not too long ago. He thanks them and hangs up. Mei heard and spoke to her mother again."Wait mother I think she's at the school I will go to open and get her."

Ume: "Okay thanks Mei. I will let Harumin know. I think it's best if she gets Yuzu and not you. So once you've opened the school let her get Yuzu."

Mei: "Of Course mother I understand."

Ume:"Good bye sweetie."

--------end of call----------

With that they hang up. Ume let Harumin know and Harumin was on her way. Harumin informed everyone else that it's best to give Yuzu space right now. They all agreed and left it to Harumin. Mei informed Udagawa of the situation and called a driver to take her to the academy.

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