Chapter 14

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Yuzu's pov

I got home thankful that Mei has student council work to do so I didn't run into her when school was over. Greeting Hina-san and grandpa I went to change into casual clothes and asked Mio if there was any business I had to attend. She gave me the details and paper work which I gladly finished in the study waiting for Matsuri and Inori to arrive as well as dinner to be ready. After completing my work load they still haven't arrived so I went to the gym to workout a bit. An half an hour later Matsuri walk in the gym. "Yo Yuzu-chan" "Hey Mats you guys are finally here." Yuzu finished her legpress wiped her face and drank some water after which she answered and Matsuri responded. "Yah Hina-san asked me to come and call you as dinner is ready and afterwards me and Inori can unpack. Also did you handle everything with grandpa regarding the Aihara group?" Yuzu stood up and walked with Mats to the dining room as she answered her nonchalantly. "Ya I did everything is arranged for next week Monday at which Shai will be present as well and Mio informed Maruta for me. It's going to be interesting." Yuzu gave an evil chuckle a bit at the thought which Matsuri picked up on and can only imagine what she is thinking knowing full well that she's not going to go easy on them. As they enter the dining room Yuzu greeted Inori and all of them ate dinner talking about their day, the business and family laughing as they teased each other. After dinner Mats and Inori went to unpack and go to bed. Yuzu went to go bath as she was sticky from her workout whilst contemplating the day's events and what's to come.~

Today was way too long and exhausting with Mei constantly looking at me and me trying to avoid her. It's more challenging than I thought. Luckily there was no one in the music room. I could relax and blow off some steam by playing music. I wonder if  it's empty In the mornings too. I'll definitely check it out tomorrow and hopefully I can slip away from everyone at lunch to be alone. What I'm doing now helps a bit but there is still this overwhelming urge for more to help with the pain. How long I can fight against it I'm not sure. I need to get out before I pass out.~

With that she got out of the bathtub and finished getting ready for bed. Climbing in bed staring at the ceiling with her earphones in to help her fall asleep with a few stray tears falling down her cheeks.

Mei's pov

I got home as I entered. "I'm home" I said taking off my shoes and slipping into my slippers. Father was sitting watching tv waiting for me and mother was still at work he answered. "Welcome home Mei your dinner is in the microwave and your belongings is already in your room. How was your day?" I heated up my food and sat to eat first as I answered him. "Thanks for the food. My day was challenging but I did manage to accomplish one thing I set out to do and that is to fix things with my friends as for Yuzu she's avoiding me as much as possible. She even ran as fast as she could at lunch time just so she couldn't face me. I don't blame her although it hurts what I did hurt her more and I have to live with that fact but I'm going to make it right and with things okay between me and our friends with their help I believe I will." Father turned around to look at me as he spoke and I finished eating my dinner. "I see well that's good that you've resolved things with your friends and that they are willing to help. This battle you need to fight alone we can only be your armor to help you prevail. Are you going to unpack after your done eating? Your grandfather called today as well and asked that I inform you of a meeting this Friday after school with the main families of the Aihara group." I finished my dinner taking a sip of water looking at my father with a serious expression as I answered. "Yes I'll unpack after this and why the sudden urge for this meeting?" He stood up rubbed the back of his neck anxious as he spoke. "He didn't say only that it has some connection to a very important business opportunity and wants to be prepared." I stood up and went to wash my plate and cutlery as I replied. "Must be important if grandfather is this persistent on the matter." Sighing father said. "Most probably, we will find out Friday though. Well good night Mei." "Good night father." On that he turned to go to bed. I finished cleaning and walked behind him to my room to unpack. After unpacking I showered and am sitting on the bed looking at the side were Yuzu used to sleep the pain and loneliness crept up showing its ugly head. The thought of Harumin and Yuzu at the pool along with it. Clenching the ring under my shirt to gather strength and compose myself. I took my phone to text Harumin luckily earlier today after our conversation at lunch I got everyone's number after I asked them and showed them that I got a phone.


Mei: Hi Taniguchi-san, I just want to thank you again for today and let you know that I forgive you for what happened at the pool.

Harumin: No need to thank me it's what Yuzu would've wanted and what happened wasn't my fault besides it's between me and her. The issue has already been addressed. Good night prez!


As I read her reply I kept wanting to know how was it addressed and the uneasy feeling at the thought of them being together and Harumin showing no inclination of it if they were knowing that I'm trying to win her back. I can't ask Yuzu about it. I have no other choice as to let it be for the time being with this I took ahold of Yuzu's pillow inhaling her sent as I try to drift off to sleep.

No one's pov

Morning came Yuzu woke up went for her morning run got ready for school and left along with Mats they got to school early Yuzu told her that she needed to do something and that Matsuri should do whatever she wants until homeroom starts. Mei was also at school early due to some council work that needed to be done. She saw Yuzu walk in with Matsuri through the window and watch as Yuzu walked away to who knows where. Curious to this fact and also determined to fix their relationship she left in search of Yuzu. As Yuzu walked to the music room hoping that it's empty this early in the morning as well so she could play till her hearts content praying that she won't run into a certain raven haired stoic presidential beauty. Not knowing that, that certain someone is intentionally looking for her she arrived at her destination to her luck it was empty. She quickly took her seat at the piano getting comfortable dragging her fingers over the keys before she started to play and sing.

Mei walking through the hallway close by the music room she heard the sound of the piano playing and an angelic voice resonating with the music. Drawing her attention she wanted to know who it was. She needed to know as she was sucked in as if the music spoke to her soul. As she got closer she could hear the words of the song clearly striking an emotional response hearing the depth of pain and sadness of the song as tears started to flow. She carefully looked in the room as to not startle the person and to not get spotted. Shocked to see it's Yuzu covering her mouth sliding down against the wall listening to her playing and singing while still crying feeling what Yuzu's feeling through her music. Clenching her chest when she heard Yuzu's voice cracking due to her crying with one thought in mind.~

I'm sorry Yuzu please forgive me. I want to be with you. Give me a chance to make it up to you.~

With the song coming to an end Mei couldn't face her in her current state. She hastily got up and walked to the nearest restroom to splash water on her face and get her shit together before homeroom starts. Yuzu finished the song wiped her face and looked at her watch to see that Harumin should be here. She quickly fixed herself and checked to make sure you can't see traces of her crying as she walked to the classroom. Mei went back to the student council room and do the last of her rounds. Yuzu got in the classroom and saw Harumin greeted her and took her seat talking to her bestfrind waiting for the teacher. Mei entered the classroom and briefly looked at Yuzu as the image of her playing and the sound of her crying flashed through her mind. She quickly took her seat deciding to let things be for the moment. The teacher arrived and their day started Yuzu looked at Mei to see if she was glancing at her but she wasn't, not once relieved she stared out the window lots in her own world waiting for the day to end. Once lunch time arrived Yuzu told Haru that she had something to do so she sneaked her way up to the roof alone with her thoughts and her music letting it flow through her veins almost like living in the words of the songs playing trying to create an escape.
After that the day went by quickly and so did the rest of the days with Yuzu starting the day with her normal running routine dodging a certain raven haired beauty and doing her work after school Friday had arrived. The Aihara group having the meeting today and Yuzu's thoughts only darkened what will this day Intel?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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